The documentation Documents the daily operational tasks of RA team as well as providing key insights on major Revenue Assurance concepts .
An objective of the RA team is to identify methods for detecting revenue leakage at control points.
RA is is the art of finding what you did not know was missing by performing a set of ongoing activities focused on the detection and correction of data discrepancies to assure the realization of all earned revenues .
RA Mission and Vision statements reflect the overall Jawwal mission and vision
To assure the complete end to end revenue stream
The vision of the RA department is that Jawwal is trusted for the completeness, reliability and validity of its billing, charging and collection across all revenue streams
RA needs to expand their scope in order to keep up with the changing nature of service business models.
RA team needs to progress through RA maturity levels ( defined -> managed )
Change from Reactive -> Proactive
Become a Centre of Excellence within Jawwal
RA Documentation
Revenue Assurance Departmental Structure
Revenue Assurance Key Performance Indicators
Revenue Assurance Departmental Structure
The reporting period for many of the strategic KPIs is quite long, i.e. monthly or quarterly. , for example :
- Data Quality
- Revenue leakage
- Operational Effectiveness
Tactical KPIs will be measured more frequently than strategic KPIs. The difference between an operational and a tactical KPI is not always evident. A general rule is that a tactical KPI will cover a revenue stream
The Tele Management Forum (TMF) defines three levels of KPIs to assess an RA department’s controls and performance.
• Strategic
• Tactical
• Operational
In ROC Revenue Assurance a Key Performance Indicator (KPI) is a tolerance on a reconciliation
If the results are within tolerance then no further action is required. If the results are out of tolerance then an alert can be raised and this can be fed into case management so that it can appear on the work stack on an analyst.
Revenue Assurance Head
The term Performance Indicator (PI) is used to refer to the measurement of a specific characteristic of an area under observation to determine how effectively that area is performing.
Revenue Assurance analyst – Business
Revenue Assurance Subject Matter Expert (SME)
Revenue Assurance System analyst – Technical
Revenue Assurance Procedures
Data analysis (Technical)
Purpose and scope
Data analysis begins with an issue that has been identified, and requires further analysis (drill down).The procedure is completed when sufficient information has been collected
Understanding Revenue Assurance
Issue analysis (business)
Purpose and scope
The purpose of this process is to ensure that issues are identified; prioritized and corrective action initiated on a timely basis and a report is being generated and distributed to relevant parties.
RA Responsibilities
What is Revenue Assurance
RA Mission and Vision
Revenue Assurance leakage
Empowerment and widened Orientation
Sizing Risk exposure