Duffy (1991)
I am independent because...
I depend on other people
or things for.......
"Mind Mapping" Method
25 year old disabled man
Cannot meet personal care needs
requires 24 hour support
depends on others to get out of bed,
washed, dressed, prepare meals and
go out to do any activities.
Independence versus interdepedence
Goffman (1968) - master status - spoiling
Medical model of disability - seeing the disability as an individual's problem
Friere (1972) - conscientanzo
human nature is constructed and distorted - process of indoctrination, manipulation & 'dominated consciousness' - encourages people to see commonality- becoming aware and acting on awareness
What is Troy's identity?
How has it been constructed?
How does this impact on Troy?
How does this impact on society?
Victims of ideology of independence
As Simon Brisenden, one of the pioneers of the Disabled People's movement argued, disabled people are victims of an:
"ideology of independence. It teaches us that unless we can do everything for ourselves we cannot take our place in society. We must be able to cook, wash, dress ourselves, make the bed, write, speak and so forth, before we can become proper people, before we are ‘independent’."