1 Team Creating Value Through Focus
- Needstatement
- Stakeholder analyse
- CTQ's
Summary Questions
- Why would 5S activities serve as a good starting point for Lean deployment?
- What areas within your operating environment would benefit from a focused 5S activity?
5S Conclusions
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- 5S is accomplished by following all of the steps.
- 5S is a team oriented process between the members of the work area.
- To review, some of the benefits of 5S include:
- Improved safety
- A clean, orderly workplace
- Improved efficiency
- Increased employee morale
- Standardized work methods
Perform 5S Audit
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Example of Sort
5S Audit Form
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Sort - Step IV
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IV. Initial Cleaning
- Clean all items remaining
- Workbenches
- Tools
- Floors
- Equipment
- Develop cleaning schedule
- Assign responsibility
- Follow up on assignments
Ensures that the 5S methodology and practice remains in force
I. Team
- Establish a plan for the work area team
- Be specific
- Assign responsibilities
II. Individual
- Establish a personal plan for yourself
- Be realistic
- Revise and update as you proceed
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Implementing Sustain
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Sort - Step III
Red Tag
- Keep everyone aware of 5S and its benefits
- Make time each day to perform daily tasks
- Give recognition where it is due
- Establish checklist for 5S review
III. Disposition of tagged items
- After one week in holding place, tagged items should be:
- Disposed of if determined unnecessary - Sold, Relocated, Thrown Away
- Kept if determined necessary
Benefits of Sustain
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- Cleaner, safer, working environment
- Detailed tasks are documented to make processes more efficient
- Work place is maintained in an organized fashion without clutter
- Tools and materials are easier to find
Definition of Sustain
Red Tag Example
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- Just like the “C” in DMAI2C, Sustain means that the 5S program has a discipline that ensures its continued success.
- Sustain means that the 5S mentality is ingrained in everyday work life and procedures.
- Don’t let 5S become another “flavor of the day.”
Sort - Step II
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Definition of Sort
II. Identify and Tag Items
- Where? Identify the area that will be red tagged -- the smaller the better
- What? Inventory, supplies, equipment, and space
- Make and apply the Red Tags
- Evaluate the Red Tagged Items
- Document the Results of Red Tagging
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- Sort means that you remove all items from the workplace that are not needed for current production or transactional operations
- It does not mean that you only remove the items that you know you may never need
- It does not mean that you simply arrange things in a neater fashion
- If you sort you only leave the bare essentials - “When in doubt, move it out”
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- Defective or excess, unneeded items that accumulate
- Outdated or broken jigs and dies
- Outdated or broken tools or inspection equipment
- Old rags and other cleaning supplies
- Electrical tools / equipment with broken cords
- Outdated posters, signs, notices and memos
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Examples of Sort
Sort - Step I
Separate the necessary from the unnecessary and then clean everything remaining.
I. Tagging Technique:
- No Tag = necessary item
- Red Tag = unnecessary item
- The factory becomes less crowded and easier to work in
- Racks and cabinets of unneeded items are removed, eliminating walls that hinder communication between employees
- Less time searching for parts and tools
- Unneeded machinery is removed lowering maintenance costs
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Benefits of Sort
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Implementing Sort
Key Steps in “SORT”:
I.Tagging Technique
II.Identify and Tag Items
III.Disposition of Tagged Items
IV.Initial Cleaning
- Identifying potentially unneeded items
- Is this item needed?
- If it is needed, is it needed in this quantity?
- If it is needed, does it need to be located here?
- Evaluating and dealing with unneeded items
- Move to a red tag holding area for a period of time
- this area may need to be created
- Dispose of immediately - Sell, Relocate, Throw Away
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- BOB file
- Incident formulier
- Enquete
What Is 5S?
“A Place for Everything and Everything in Its Place”
- Step 1SEIRISegregate and Eliminate - SORT
- Segregate necessary items from unnecessary items and eliminate what is not needed.
- Step 2SEITONArrange and Identify - SET IN ORDER
- Arrange items so that they can be found quickly by anybody.
- Step 3SEISODaily Cleanup Process - SHINE
- Create a spotless workplace…swept and clean.
- Step 4SEIKETSUConstant Adherence to the First Three Steps & Safety - STANDARDIZE
- Standardize cleanup activities so that these actions are specific and easy to perform. Create and maintain a safe work environment. Ensure compliance to procedures.
- This is the condition we support when we maintain the first three steps.
- Step 5SHITSUKIMotivate to Achieve Habitual Compliance - SUSTAIN
- Promote adherence to maintaining a high performance, high quality and safe work environment. Use visual performance measurement tools.
- Make a habit of maintaining established procedures and ensuring they are followed.
Seven Wastes Addressed
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5S Explained
- 5S is a process and method for creating and maintaining an organized, clean, and high performance workplace.
- 5S enables anyone to distinguish between normal and abnormal conditions at a glance.
- 5S is the foundation for continuous improvement, zero defects, cost reduction, and a safe work area.
- 5S is a systematic way to improve the workplace, our processes and our products through production line employee involvement.
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- Creating a consistent way of implementing the tasks that are performed on a daily basis including “Sort,” “Set in Order,” and “Shine.”
- “Do the right things the right way, every time!”
Definition of Standardize
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- Easier to train new employees
- Less room for errors and scrap
- Work area is more organized
Benefits of Standardization
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Just like in our personal lives, if the rules are in writing and right in front of us, we are much more likely to understand and follow them - especially if they have our signature on them!
- Integrate the benefits found through Sort, Set in Order, and Shine into the everyday work activity.
- Items that are not in their place should be able to be noticed at a glance.
- All 5S activities should be scheduled at the frequency rate necessary to maintain a clean, orderly, and safe work environment.
Implementing Standardization
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Example of Set in Order A
Defines how task should be done and explains the best way to perform task.
- Document the procedures and guidelines for sorting, simplifying and sweeping
- Visual controls guidelines
- Item quantity requirements
- Document the schedule in which they are to be completed and reviewed
- Housekeeping standards
- Workplace arrangement methods
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Home Address
4 in.
38-91 4in.
Drive Shaft
- A sign at the item’s home. It should include:
- Picture/silhouette of item (opt.)
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Defines how task should be done and explains the best way to perform task.
- Document operating procedures and directives
- Document all job aids (user guides, reference materials, trouble shooting guides)
- A line around an item to identify its area/boundaries.
- Traffic lanes
- Stationary items
- Mobile items
- Walkways
- Tool outlines
- Kanban areas
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4 in.
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Visual Tools
- Border – Sets boundaries, areas
- Home Address – Defines what item belongs inside the border
- Label – Defines what the item is and where it belongs
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5S Map Example
Visible and Posted for Operator Input
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Set in Order...
Create a home, with visual tools, for all items, and arrange them in line with the physical flow of the work.
I. Draw Present-State 5 S Map - shows the current workplace arrangement for everything: tooling, jigs, dies, fixtures, hand tools, trash cans, etc.
II. Create Future-State 5 S Map - shows a new and improved workplace arrangement
III. Implement the Future-State 5 S Map using visuals tools, post the map so all can see
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Principles of Motion Economy Cont’d
- Principle 7 Work at the proper ergonomic height: 37”- 44” (94-112 cm).
- Principle 8 Locate materials so they are easy to pick up or use the appropriate lifting device for the job.
- Principle 9 Make handles and grips ergonomically correct in height and shape.
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Principles of Motion Economy
- Principle 1 Keep torso motions to a minimum.
- Principle 2 Use gravity instead of muscle whenever possible.
- Principle 3 Avoid zigzagging motions and quick direction changes.
- Principle 4 Move with steady rhythms.
- Principle 5 Keeps materials close and in front.
- Principle 6 Arrange material and tools in order of use.
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Implementing Set in Order
- Draw a 5S map showing the best location for tools, equipment, and materials based on frequency of use.
- Store items together if they are used together and store them in the sequence they are used.
- If tools are being set in order, design a system that keeps the tools in their location.
- Store infrequently used items away from the point of use.
- Remember to use the Principles of Motion Economy.
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Benefits of Set in Order
- Person sent to find something finds it easily
- Time spent looking for things is reduced
- Wrong parts are not retrieved in error
- Adequate space is allocated for storage of items
- Items have “their place” and not not left in walkways etc.
Think of a pit crew at a NASCAR race--every item is positioned to error proof and speed the process, and to eliminate all wasted motion:
17 Seconds to change 4 tires, fill the gas tank, wash the windows, and give the driver a drink.
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Definition of Set in Order
- Set in order means that you arrange the items that are needed in the area and identify them or label them so that anyone can find them or put them away.
- The key word is “anyone.”
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Definition of Shine
Benefits of Shine
Implementing Shine
Shine Assignments
Continuous upkeep and control of work area identifies problems and unacceptable conditions.
- Shine emphasizes removing the dirt, grime, and dust from the work area.
- This is a program of keeping the work area swept and clean of debris.
- Determine the shine targets - what are we going to clean?
- Set a schedule and assign individuals
- Create procedures for continued daily shine processes
- Set periodic machine inspection and maintenance targets
- Defects are easier to see in a well lit and clean environment
- A work area clean of debris is less likely to cause a tripping hazard
- Machines that are clean and maintained work more efficiently and breakdown less often
- A clean work area promotes improved morale
- detailed responsibilities
- SAFETY - clear traffic lanes, mark hazardous material, report unsafe conditions, clean-up spills
- WASTE - empty overflowing trashcans, remove excess supplies on workbench
- CLEANLINESS - tools in designated spots on shadow boards, sweep floors
The best time to find defects, dents, and scratches is when you are hand washing your automobile. Likewise, the best time to find defects and safety problems is when you are cleaning your work area.
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