Why would we cripple ourselves
if there can be only one?
- CognitiveSEO
- Koozai mobile app
- LinkDaq.net
- HitReach
But we still have affiliate solutions...
For those that refuse to be the guy in the middle.
But there can be only one...
Business is ALL ABOUT creating a USP
A"Unique Selling Point" means from the BUYER'S perspective... not some unique technique to get traffic or "trick" yourself into a share undeserved.
- The old affiliate model is out
- Remember your USP and new ones are in
- So as an affiliate remember this...
Why Majestic SEO Doesn't have an affiliate program
We tested Cookie based tracking
We tested Voucher code based tracking
We found great partners willing to pay and add a substantial value layer
Then we asked ourselves this question...
Affiliate Marketing Case Studies
Twitter: @Dixon_Jones
Some Sites:
- DixonJones.com
- Ferry-to-france.co.uk
- MajesticSEO.com
- Receptional.com
Don't be the guy in the middle
Affiliates can do better than that by going outside the box