Do Poor Childhood Experiences Directly Affect the Actions of a Serial Killer
By Brittany Zurkan
- fighting between parents
- double hernia operated on left him feeling exposed, open
- molested by neighbour boy at age 8
- experimenting with dead animals by age 10
- claims his necrophilic compulsions began at around age 14
- drank heavily as a teen and adult
- parents divorce left him feeling unwanted, may have been a catalyst
- illegitimate child
- claimed to have discovered the secret as a young boy
- vowed to have had a perfectly normal, happy childhood
- showed interest in knives by age 3
- showed interest in macabre at a young age
- had a normal number of friends
- did very well in school
- appeared to have had a normal childhood from an outside perspective
- had an alcoholic father
- was brutally abused by him physically and emotionally
- still idolized and loved his father
- wanted to earn his father's approval
- was homosexual, father disapproved
Ted Bundy (1946-1989)
John Wayne Gacy (1942-1994)
Jeffrey Dahmer (1960-1994)
- meticulous and had knowledge of the justice system from Law School
- lack of evidence from scenes
- almost made a deal for a 75 year
- made no argument for insanity
Before death:
- pornography
Diagnosed with:
- borderline personality disorder
- schizotypal personality disorder
- a psychotic disorder
His defence presented these facts along with all the gruesome details of his murders in an attempt to be found guilty by virtue of insanity.
- active between 1972 and 1978
- active in Illinois
- confirmed 33 victims
- all victims were male
- active between 1978 and 1991
- active in Wisconsin and Ohio
- confirmed seventeen murders
- most victims African American
- active between 1961 and 1978
- active in Washington, Utah, Colorado, Florida, Oregon, Idaho, California
- confirmed 36 victims
- all women, ages 12-25
Defence and Conviction
- death penalty by electrical chair
Throughout the years:
- child molestation
- disorderly conduct
- indecent exposure
- public intoxication.
He was found guilty, but perfectly sane.
Final Sentence:
- 15 consecutive life terms in prison, equal to 957 years.
3 psychiatric experts testified:
- paranoid schizophrenic
- suffered from multiple personality disorder
Other psychiatric experts testified to say he was perfectly sane.
- was found guilty
- sentenced to 12 death sentences and 21 natural life sentences
- died about 10 years later from lethal injection
People who experience trauma in their childhood will not necessarily become serial killers.
Jeffrey Dahmer and John Wayne Gacy experienced extremely traumatic childhoods.
Ted Bundy experienced a generally normal childhood.
* There are thousands of people who suffer from traumatic childhood experiences and harsh environments without turning into serial killers
References Editors. (n.d.). Jeffrey Dahmer. Retrieved March 28, 2016, from
M. (2007). Jeffrey Dahmer's Childhood | Twisted Minds - a website about serial killers. Retrieved
April 29, 2016, from
M. (2007). Ted Bundy's Childhood | Twisted Minds - a website about serial killers. Retrieved April
29, 2016, from
Newton, M. (2000). The encyclopedia of serial killers. New York: Facts on File.
Osofsky, J. D. (1997). Children in a violent society. New York: Guilford Press.
Tithecott, R. (1997). Of men and monsters: Jeffrey Dahmer and the construction of the serial
killer. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press.
Unknown. (n.d.). John Wayne Gacy. Retrieved April 28, 2016, from
Unknown. (n.d.). Ted Bundy. Retrieved March 28, 2016, from