Canadian Special Operations Forces Command
"CANSOFCOM is responsible for all special forces operations that are capable of responding to terrorism and threats to Canadians and Canadian interests around the world."
Silent Professionals
Viam Inveniemus – "We Will Find A Way"
Brigadier-General D.W. Thompson, OMM, MSC, CD
tan beret
- Active:
- Nickname:
- Motto:
- Current commander:
- Headdress:
Immediate Response Task Force (IRTF)
- highest readiness task force available
- primary focus on counter-terrorism operations
- domestic or international
SOF Teams
- perform tasks that fall outside the scope of the three standing task forces
- not longer than six months
- Defence, diplomacy and military assistance, strategic advice
- Immediate Response Task Force (IRTF)
- Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) Task Force
- Task Force Arrowhead
- SOF Teams
Task Force Arrowhead
Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) Task Force
- agile force able to respond to threats and incidents around the globe on short notice
- initial response that could be a precursor to the deployment of another SOTF or conventional task force
- support to non-combatant evacuation operations, special protection operations
- notice response to crisis or major events within Canada
- primarily focused on counter-terrorism that involves Chemical, Biological, Radiological and/or Nuclear elements