World Wide Fund for Nature
Span of Control
About the Business
Authority and Responsibility
Suggest examples of delegation that might occur in your organisation. How could this become empowerment?
The World Wide Fund for Nature is an international non-governmental organization that deals in the protection and restoration of biodiversity conservation, and the reduction of humanity's footprint on the environment.
This structure has a very vast span of control meaning that there are more workers being accounted for under one person. For example the span of control under the conservation director is 8 people, meaning Dr.Sundari would have to organise and oversee all the work of all these 8 departments.
Whilst other departments have none or one span of control. This kind of distribution is rather unfair of Dr.Sundrai.
The Traffic director could delegate tasks to the heads of conservation to ensure their districts are monitoring the wildlife and environment through regional sectors. This way Dr.Chris can focus on other SEA nations whilst the regional departments can work on the Traffic for the Malaysian region.
Empowerment: Empowerment is based on the idea that giving employees skills, resources, authority, opportunity, as well holding them responsible and accountable for outcomes of their actions, will contribute to their competence and satisfaction.
- Leading on to find more unique and more relative ways to the solve issue - Orangutans in Borneo - haze.
Leadership and Control
I will be focusing on one of it's branches to explain how its offices in individual nations are organised. Since it is an internationally renowned organisation the structure of the business is very generic, however it may contain added branches depending on the environmental impact that nation is leaving (in a negative manner).
Authority & Responsibility
Type and Chain of Command
Responsibility is the obligation of a subordinate to properly perform the assigned duty. When a superior assigns a job to his subordinate it becomes the responsibility of the subordinate to complete the job.
In this case it would mean that the conservation director will tell the head of education and markets to work on carrying out research that will better enable education in schools about saving the environment.
• Can you suggest what leadership style is commonly employed by managers in your business? Why do you think this is the case?
I believe WWF employs a democratic style of leadership because it is a business that prides itself in allowing voices to be heard when it comes to conservation no matter this issue. So I believe all employees are accounted for when decisions are being made, but the managers and heads make the final decision.
• To what extent do you think you organisation is centralised or decentralised?
WWF is largely de-centralised because different regions have different environmental issues with different levels of importance, however most of it's major jobs like Earth Hour and the Traffic fund are centralised, meaning decisions being made regarding that will come from their headquarters in the Switzerland.
- Largely Flat or widespread
- The chain of command seems quite short, which is the nature of all flat styled organisations.
The problem with a short chain of command is that the chain of progression becomes blurred meaning that job roles become blurred. This can be detrimental in a business because working with the wrong sector or person can sometimes mean the product becomes compromised. However it can be good for communication and decision making purposes.
Authority : It means the power to take decisions. Decision can be related to the use of resources and to do or not to do something.
In this case the head of marketing deciding how much to spend on the marketing of Earth Hour depending on the year and exchange rates.
Select one individual in the hierarchy and suggest what he or she might be accountable for? What does this mean?
Head of communications may be held accountable for how things are running (in terms of communication) on an internal and external basis.
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