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- The king could not impose martial law at times of peace.
- The petition made it so that the king no longer had the right to imprison or other wise punish anyone without the lawful judgement of his/her pears.
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- The petition of right made the king follow the laws of the land.
- People were no longer required to house the kings troop without their consent.
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- No taxes would be levied without consent of the parliament.
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Petition Of Right
By: Brianna, Amanda, Phil, Kayla, Jackie
- King Charles approved the petition on June 7th, 1628.
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- The petition of right was largely drafted by Sir Edward Coke, the former Lord Chancellor.
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- After signing and agreeing to the Petition of Right, King Charles continued his arbitrary rule and was later defeated in the Civil War and put to death.
- American Government Book