San Miguel Corporation
Corporate Social Responsibility
Environmental and Other Programs
The environmental program of San Miguel Foundation Inc. covers the protection of land, water, and air. On a smaller scale, the Foundation conducts tree-planting projects on areas identified by different San Miguel Corporation (SMC) plants.
This project includes relief distribution to calamity stricken areas and rehabilitation activities such as provision of livelihood projects and repairs of school buildings and day care centers.
Social Development
Community and Enterprise Development :
San Miguel Foundation supports literacy in the Philippines through scholarship assistance, supplemental feeding, book donation and functional literacy programs. Supplemental Feeding Program: To heed government’s call to address the malnutrition problem of the country, the “Malusog na Katawan, Matalas na Isipan” supplemental feeding was introduced.
Task Force Hangin is responsible for helping plants comply with the Clean Air Act. The Task Force is composed of representatives from CTS-EMG, CTS-Engineering, Corporate Planning and Development, and Corporate Purchasing Unit.
Projects in the Community and Livelihood programs that are implemented in host communities of San Miguel plant facilities. These are projects have active community involvement and are implemented with the objective of benefiting a larger number of people. This includes medical missions, community clinics, barangay strengthening and enterprise development.
Translated as “clean office”, this internal program is an integrated approach to solid waste management in support of the Philippine Government’s Ecological Solid Waste Management Act (RA 9003).
- Local Consumer Activities
Human Resources
These are marketing and Sales projects to support their operation either in areas where SMC have a stronghold or in areas where they want to establish their position.
SMC’s strong social responsibility commitment contributes to better employee retention, resulting in a considerable reduction in turnover and training costs. Employees normally remain working with the Corporation because of their feeling that SMC cares. Employee programs that help reduce absenteeism actually save the Corporation money as they encourage increased productivity. On the home front, programs that address employee welfare instill a sense of pride in the people for being part of the San Miguel Group.
Fernandez, Maria Liza
Camerino, May Anne
Bautista, Glenn
Quality Management:
- Compliance System
- Audit Committee
- Disclosure System
- Monitoring and Assessment
Best Practices
Corporate Governance
PET Recycling
In the business milieu, social responsibility is becoming an important investment factor. Better access to capital is often granted to corporations with a strong social responsibility performance.
- Recycling Practices at Manila Plastics Plant
- Cullet Recovery at Glass Plants
- Waste Ink Reuse at San Miguel Rengo Packaging Corporation
- Using Waste for Feeds
- Project Blue Sky
- Environmental Forum
SMC is setting up a P6.7-billion recycling project to produce environment-friendly packaging materials for the local food and beverage industries using PET or polyethylene terephthalate.
Customer Care Center
By setting up this Center, SMC re-affirms its responsibility to its customers. Advancements in information technology make it possible for the Corporation to establish a more personal communication link with its customers.