Tuberculosis Over the Years
Diagnosis Today
Interesting Facts
-in the 19th and 20th century, those infected with tuberculosis had a 20% chance of surviving.
-today that has changed to a 65% survival rate.
Consumption and Tuberculosis
Treatment in 1940s
-painful cough
- usually experienced for 3 weeks or greater
- very continuous
-unintentional weight loss
-night sweats
-pain in chest
- in RARE cases: coughing up blood
- substance called PPD TUBERCULIN is injected into forearm
- if injection site turns swollen between 2-3 days that means TB infection is likely
- measures the immune system's reaction to TB bacteria (if strong reaction then infected)
-Aside from being called "white plague" it was also called CONSUMPTION.
- the way it consumed the infected (weight loss, skinny to the bone)
Robert Koch
White Plague
-1945, discovery of antituberculosis drug was discovered: STREPTOMYCIN.
- works by killing bacteria through stopping the necessities the bacteria needs to survive
- side effects include: abnormal sensations around the face, muscle weakness, dizziness, and in rare cases, loss of hearing
- March 24, 1882, German physician and scientist discovered MYCOBACTERIUM TUBERCULOSIS.
- the bacterium responsible for tuberculosis
Treatments Today
Tuberculosis and Eugene O'Neill
-Tuberculosis was the MAIN contributor to the deaths of those during the white plague era (1900-1940)
-Those who were infected were isolated and placed in SANATORIUMS.
- separate society for those infected exclusively
Who is at Risk?
- reliable medication to treat tuberculosis however can cause liver failure
- can cause heartburn, nausea, and dizziness
- in some cases can cause liver disease and red coloration of bodily fluids
Diagnosis in 1940s
-During his young adulthood, he contracted tuberculosis.
-This infection may be the reason for his greatest literary work: Long Day's Journey Into Night.
- his fight with tuberculosis gave him the passion and motivation of writing his masterpiece
-those in THIRD WORLD countries (disease of poverty)
-those with weak immune systems like:
- those with HIV/AIDS
- Elderly
- Children
-FLUOROSCOPY was used to diagnose the disease.
- since films were not introduced at the time, people were seen on fluorescent screens
- dangerous because procedure was time consuming thus person stood for long periods of time while receiving continuous beams of x-rays toward their chest (increasing cancer from radiation)