‘The Forgotten 500’ is a story that tells people about Operation Halyard, this operation came about when over 500 allied airmen were gunned down over German territory and survived.
We think these stories are not told due to coverups and people overlooking the smaller details in history. As we look more into our overlooked past, we hope to discover more about why stories like these are not talked about.
After being captured by nazis near the start of the war a man named Bert Conville managed to execute a grand escape plan.
Inquiry Question:
The Battle of Kapyong is one of Canada’s most victorious battles but is forgotten about do to the fact it was in the Korean War of 1951.
Why are some of the most courageous heroes of WW2 lost in time? From fighting against all odds and hiding in plain site to one of the most risky rescue missions; we’re looking into why these battles were forgotten.
Story Time with WW2