The social science that analyzes the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services
Several Core Principles
Opportunity Cost
Internal Factors
A statement of financial position based on estimates of expenditures and suggested proposals for financing them; in other words, a management plan for revenue and expenses of an organization for a period of time
Budget Process
10 Step Process
1. Know the organization’s mission, goals, and objectives2. Research the organization’s strength and resources relative to the future needs3. Include important people in the budget process4. Review information and data gathered (past, present, and future)5. Prepare budget using proper budget type set forth by the organization’s executives6. Examine the budget for accuracy, feasibility, and reality7. Get other key people to look over and critique budget8. Prepare presentation9. Implement the budget10. Audit the budget (should be done before next budget is made)
Important Factors
Past revenues generated
Changes in prices or fees;Marketing research predictions;The current promotion and advertising strategies;The economic environment of the general public and the institution.
Types of Budgets
Object Classification Budget
Line Item Budget
Increment-Decrement Budgeting
Program Budget
Performance Budget
Planning Programming
Budget System
Zero-Based Budget
Capital Budget
Selecting a Budget
Financial Statements
Income Statement
Why care about budgets
& financial statements
An effective sport manager, especially now and in the future, must be familiar with accounting, budgeting, investing, and managing organization’s funds
Even though sport managers usually hire fincanial advisors, a successful sport manager must be able to accomplish many of the same tasks as a financial advisor to help them with decision making and leading a successful organization in the future
External Factors
What Makes
Economics work
Goods or Service
for Goods or Service
Currency for goods
or service
Cach Flow
& Finacing
Reqires Knowlge of
- Finacing
- Accounting
- Business pricples
Needed for
- Expantion
- Maintainence
- New Construction
- Business & Tech development
Types of Finacial
- General Obligation Bonds
- Revenue Bonds
- Private Sector Rev. Streams
Funds are important to
every business
How to produce Cash
Flow in Sports
Ticket Sales
Perfered Seating
Broacasiting &
Media Coverage
Cash Flow means
money out too
Plant, Property, and Equiment
Player Slaries
Utilities/Operating Costs
Proper Utilization in Sport
- Managing and accounting is essensial because of seasonal aspect of sports
- Some Billion $ Budgets
- Cost of simple tasks are huge because they are usually large scale
Comparative Advantage
The law of comparative advantage refers to the ability of a party to produce a particular good or service at a lower marginal and opportunity cost over another
Effeciant Companies have comarative advatages and them by specializing in good or service industy. This is how cash flow is established
Jobs in Sport Economics
Question 1.
What are the 3 Factors
opportunity costs?
Answer: Cost, Benefit, Decision
Question 2.
What are 3 important finacial
documents for all sport managers?
Answer: Income statment, Balance Sheet
Cash flow Statment
Question 3.
Where is equilibrium on a
supply & demand curve?
Answer: Where ever the two
curves meet
Question 4.
The law of comparative advantage refers to the ability of a party to produce a particular good or service at a lower ______________ and ____________________ cost over another.
Answer: Marginal, Opportunity
Question 5.
What is the most important core
principle of economics?
Answer: All actions involve Costs
and Benefits
Sports Economy
Russ Fornea
Johnny Braud
Michael Dupre
Most importantly
All actions involve
costs and benefits
Involves 3 main factors
Supply and Demand
an economic model of price determination in a market
Cash Flow Analysis
Balance Sheet
This Creates Cash Flow
Detailed accounting of receipts (revenue) and dispersments (expenses)Shows the managers “cash in” and “cash out”
Money being exchanged over
and over agian help build businesses
become more knowledegable and
Four main uses: shows changes in the business over time; shows growth or decline in various phases of the business; shows the business’s abilityto pay debts; shows fincancial position
Budget should fit
organization and
its goals first and
Every thing else
should fall into place
Starting from Sratch
By far the largest expence
Anaylize the success of the business (profit/loss)
Financial Accounting
Sports Economist
General Management
Facility and event Managment
Pro/Simi Pro GM
Facility Director
Budget Manager
Collegeate AD
Event Director
Recreation Director