Good Will Hunting- Teacher Analysis
Professor Lambeau
- more curriculum-centered
- egotistical
- emphasis on creating a legacy
My Ideal vs. Real
My Perceived/Real Identity
- mentor; leader by example
- self-motivated
- good listener
- planner; have a plan in mind and commit to it 100%
Implications of Image
My Ideal Identity
- role model
- engaging
- flexible
- throw the "norms" out the window
- believe in Will and genuinely want him to succeed
Prof. Lambeau
Compared to the movie...
- Lambeau sees himself as a "success" and a math god because of his Fields medal and sees Maguire as a "failure" because he had so much potential and is now teaching at a community college --> but what does a "successful" teacher really look like???
- direction vs. manipulation
- challenges students to push themselves academically
- shows students how they can use their knowledge beyond the classroom
- students can't learn effectively if their basic needs aren't being met (Maslow)
- what students want may be different than what teacher wants for student
Sean Maguire
- builds camaraderie and trust by getting to know student individually
- "I thought we were friends" --> line between teacher/student and friends gets hazy
- more student-centered
- belief in self-discovery
- works to build trust by forming emotionally-driven relationship
Sean Maguire