Discourse Communities:
Audience & Purpose
(and Context)
Now, list the attributes of a discourse community:
Discourse Community
n. Linguistics and Sociol. a group of people sharing a common and distinct mode of communication or discourse, esp. within a particular domain of intellectual or social activity.
Which of these is most important?
- Do they (purpose/audience/ context) differ from discourse community ?
- Do they impact the reading process?
- Do they effect the writing process?
Break into groups of 2-4. Go to Lecture II. in bb. Your group will be given a number. Your number corresponds with a source in the lecture folder. Use this source to answer the following and speculate to which Discourse Community each genre belongs:
*Remember, its not so much about the content as it is the context; rather than analyze for meaning/comprehension, read with an eye toward rhetorical devices & discourse conventions.
- How does audience & purpose, and context change/impact the subject, if at all?
Now you are ready to begin/submit your Genre Analysis Matrix to the Week 3 Discussion Board.
- Should you change your subject matter interest, style or delivery, based on audience?
A) What is the source's purpose (i.e. to inform/entertain/persuade)?
B)Who is this source for (i.e. who is the audience)?
C) Based on your findings for A & B, to which discourse community does your source belong?
What are the
benefits/drawbacks to this practice?
Are there any questions?
(in what way[s] is a DC different from an audience; think broad categories)
- Beyond "passing," what is your purpose for research & writing in this class, and for whom are you writing?
Be prepared to present your findings to the class