Unit 2: The Medieval Islamic World
The Qur'an
- Muslims are taught to be good people
- Must honor parents, be honest, protect others
- All people are equal
- the idea of brotherhood helps unite Muslims all over the world
- the Islamic sacred book
- It is believed that it is word for word what God said to Muhammad
- It advises and guides Muslims on all subjects
The Spreading of Islam
Why did is expand so rapidly?
- warriors were united under the belief they wereserving Islam
- possibility of gaining riches in other lands
- the Jihad
- many welcomed the idea of equality
- Muslims were tolerant rulers, did not force conquered people to convert
- Lies at the intersection of Africa, Europe & Asia
- Large areas of desert
- Temperatures can go over 100 F
- Most water exists in Oases, which are fertile areas of the desert
Ways of Life in the Middle East
The Founding of Islam
- Nomads
- live in tents
- Raising sheep, goats, camels
- travel the desert in search of food & water for animals
- Merchants
- live in towns and traded spices, gold and other goods brought by caravans: a group of traders that travel together
- The found of Islam is considered to be Muhammad, he was born in the city of Mecca
- He worked on trade caravans, which made the city very wealthy
- In spite of this wealth, many people were poor
- This oncerned Muhammad and he would go into the hills to pray
Because Judaism & Christianity are also monotheistic, Islam recognizes their God as the same God of Islam
- All 3 believe God will return to punish the wicked & reward the good
Under Islam:
- Few people followed him at first because 1 God seemed to hard to believe
- In time he and those who followed him were forced to leave Mecca & went to a town called Yathrib
- He was welcomed there as a respected leader & in time the town changed its name to Medina
- The movement of Muhammad and his followers from Mecca to Medina is known as the Hegira
- In order to submit to God a Muslim must accept the 5 pillars
- 1: Proclaim the belief in 1 God and Muhammad as his prophet
- 2: Must pray 5x a day facing Mecca
- 3: Help the poor and elders
- 4: Fast during the month of Ramadan (9th month of the Muslim calendar) Cannot eat or drink from sun up to sun down
- 5: The Hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca)
- (6?) a Jihad or battle in defense of Islam
Central Lessons of Islam
- While praying, he heard the voice of an angel telling him to spread the word of 1 true God
- Muslims believe that God spoke to him through an angel which makes him a prophet
- a prophet is a person who tells of messages from God
- Muhammad's messages form the beliefs of the religion Islam
- Islam means to submit to God
- A follower of Islam is called Muslim
- Believing he was chosen, Muhammad set out to teach others
Arab Empires
Umayyad Dynasty
Abbassid Dynasty
- Only Arabs could hold highest government & military positions
- Non-Arabs felt that being Muslim was more important than being Arab & resented their treatment
- Capital in Baghdad
- All Muslims were treated equal & had the same opportunity
- Lasted for 500 years
- Over time sections began to break away, although they stayed united under the same beliefs
Muslim Achievements
Muslim geographers made more accurate maps which allowed for farther travel.
The Astrolabe (400-800AD)
Many Muslim cities had places where the sun, moon and stars could be observed. This study helped scientists understand time and clock making
The greatest achievement: Muslims started the 1st pharmacy school to teach people how to make medice.
They found a cure for small pox and wrote a medical book that is considered to be one of the most famous books in medicine
- Increase Trade
- Muslim traders sailed oceans & carried goods to & from ME and China
- Many new products were carried to all parts of the world
- New ways of doing business
- set up banks & letters of credit
- used receipts & lists of all goods on a shipment
- Learning
- translated books & writings of ancient scholars
- set up places of learning
What makes Muslim architecture unique?
One of the most important Muslim art forms
Muslim architects built beautiful mosques, palaces, libraries and market places
- Dome, arches, colored bricks & decorated tiles
- There is no art of humans or animals. Muslims believe that only God can create these images
- Muslim artists use caligraphy which is decorative writing, to decorate their buildings