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Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Vol XCIII, No. 311

WTO rules allow such bans as long as there is evidence proving the ban is a health & safety measure

What is it?

The US & Canada opposed the ban & took the EU to the WTO Dispute Settlement Body

The WTO rules against the EU in 1997

The Agreement on the Application of Sanitary & Phytosanitary Measures says that signatories are allowed to impose restrictions on health & safety grounds if they provide valid scientific evidence

  • Scientific evidence for health risks with growth hormones was limited
  • Consumer lobbyist groups were strong in pressuring the European Parliament to enact regulations in the 80s

In 1989, the EU banned the importation of meat that contained artificial beef growth hormones approved for use & administered in the US.

Quotation 1

Disagreements within the EU in the 80s

The heart of the Beef Hormone Dispute...

Italy leading the charge in favor of regulations

  • until 1980, all growth hormones were prohibited in Italy, Denmark, the Netherlands, and Greece
  • Germany, the biggest beef producer of the Union at the time, allowed the use of certain hormones
  • France and the UK permitted all growth hormones
  • Risk analysis is statistical in nature
  • We are unable to determine with absolute certainty the absence of health risks
  • in the US & Canada there is a broad scientific consensus that beef with hormones are safe
  • the EU tends to be strictly precautionary with food safety

Countries with no prohibitions argued that the restrictions acted as non-tariff trade barriers

The US and Canada imposed $125 million in total extra annual tariffs of goods coming from the EU

Trump's America

The current administration is considering imposing tariffs of 100% on European products

US beef producers say the EU hasn't held up its end of the 2009 deal

In 2003....the European Commission released new evidence against hormones but the WTO maintained its earlier decision

Has the EU not adequately opened its markets?

$116.8 million

$11.3 million

May 2009

agreement between the EC & US--- phased reduction in US sanctions on European products & a gradual increase in the EU tariff quota for high quality hormone-free beef

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