Wechsler Individual Achievement Test - 3rd Edition
By: Ashley DiCola
Purpose of the WIAT-III
Description of the WIAT-III
Structure of the WIAT-III
- Identify academic strengths and weaknesses
- Identify specific learning disabilities
- Identify grade level equivalents
- Identify student growth
- Aid in intervention planning
- Aid in IEP Planning
- The WIATT-III uses a grade based start point
- Test must be discontinued after 4 consecutive "0"s.
- The test is broken down into four sections
- Oral Language
- Reading
- Written Expression
- Math
- The WIAT-III was created by David Wechsler and was published by Pearson in 2009.
- The WIAT-III is an academic achievement test that can be used in the following settings:
- Educational
- Clinical
- Research
- Grade Levels the WIAT-III assesses:
- K-12
- It is both diagnostic and norm-referenced.
- It includes 16 subtests
- Standardized on a national sample
- 2,775 students
- Male and Female
- Various ages, races, ethnic backgrounds, parent education levels, and geographic areas
Reference: (Salvia, Ysseldyke, & Bolt, 2013)
- Math Problem Solving
- Numerical Operations
- Math Fluency -Addition
- Math Fluency - Subtraction
- Math Fluency - Multiplication
WIAT-III and Learning Disabilities
- Early Reading Skills
- Word Reading
- Pseudoword Decoding
- Reading Comprehension
- Oral Reading Fluency
Oral Language
What Does the WIAT-II Look Like?
- Listening Comprehension
- Oral Expression
- Pre-Kindergarten & Kindergarten
- Approximately 45 - 50 mins
- Grades 1-6
- Approximately 1.5 hours
- Grades 7-12
- Approximately 1.5 hours - 2 hours
- WIAT-III can be used to help identify learning disabilities that are recognized under the Individuals wit Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 (IDEA).
Achievement Areas Tested by the WIAT-III
Reference: (Salvia, Ysseldyke, & Bolt, 2013)
Written Expression
Reference: (Salvia, Ysseldyke, & Bolt, 2013)
- Basic reading skills
- Reading Fluency
- Reading Comprehension
- Written Expression
- Oral Expression
- Listening Comprehension
- Mathematical Calculation
- Mathematics Problem Solving
- Alphabet Writing Fluency
- Spelling
- Sentence Composition
- Essay Composition
Image Reference: Pearson
Reference: (Salvia, Ysseldyke, & Bolt, 2013)
Scoring of the WIAT-III
Recommendations for the WIAT-III
Demonstration of the WIAT-III
Critique of the WIAT-III
- In my opinion, the WIAT-III is a very useful and effective tool.
- Recommendations for the WIAT-III administrator.
- Give the student breaks if needed
- Do not feel obligated to finish the entire exam in one day
- The WIAT-III is a time consuming test
- It takes away critical class time for the student
- It takes away critical time from the teacher or school psychologist.
- 1-1 administration can cause testing anxiety
- It can be overwhelming for the student
- Throughout the exam the administrator records the students responses in the Response Booklet.
- These are the raw scores
- Most of the test items are scored using 1 and 0.
- 1 indicates a correct answer and 0 indicates an incorrect answer
- Writing portions of the exam are scored using a specific rubric.
- The WIAT-III comes with a scoring assistant CD
- The teacher or psychologist who administered the exam enters the raw scores into the scoring assistant program.
- Once the scores are entered, all of the calculations, composite scores, and graphs are calculated automatically.
Types of Scores for the WIAT-III
- Standard Scores
- Percentile Ranks
- Normal Curve Equivalents
- Age Equivalents
- Growth Scale Value Scores
Reference: (Salvia, Ysseldyke, & Bolt, 2013)
Salvia, J., Ysseldyke, J., & Bolt, S. (2013). Assessment in
special and inclusive education (12th ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.
Reference: WIAT Video by Jane Beving
Maccow, G. (2011, January 1). WIATT-III
Administration and Scoring Handout. Retrieved from http://images.pearsonassessments.com/Images/PDF/Webinar/WIAT-III_Administration_and_Scoring_Handout_September_2011.pdf
WIAT Video Beving [Motion picture]. (2014). YouTube.