Issue: Lack of brand awareness
To improve the quality of service through more information given about AIESEC
Issue: Lack of passion to become a member
Increasing the passion of passion of student members by 80% within 5 years
Issue: Lack of local sponsor
To increase the numbers and values local corporate sponsors for AIESEC Malaysia by 80% over the next two years
Increasing brand awareness among the targeted students and local corporate partners in Malaysia
Aim: To increase passion of the students and enhance membership
More AIESEC partners in several universities in Malaysia
Aim: To let students gain information about AIESEC through conducted events and to promote and open up students' knowledge towards the organization and its programs
At least two corporate sponsors each year
Aim: To support financial funding while launching big project and helping to promote AIESEC brand name
Efficiency of Budget
Reducing roadshows event from 5 to 3 universities and from 8 to 4 education fairs
Roadshows event costs higher than the rest of tactics proposed
AIESEC Malaysia
AIESEC's estimated profitability
(sample of 1 year period)
AIESEC's Vision
Segmentation Bases
Planning to achieve an ideal position in the future
"To achieve peace and fullfilment of humankind's potential"
A current degree student or a maximum of two years fresh graduated student from IPTA (Institut Perguruan Tinggi Awam) and IPTS (Institut Perguruan Tinggi Swasta)
1. Taylors University
2. Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
3. Universiti Malaysia Pahang
4. Universiti Putra Malaysia
5. Universiti Sains Malaysia
6. Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
7. Universiti Teknologi Petronas
8. Universiti Utara Malaysia
9. Universiti of Malaya
10. University of Nottingham Malaysia
11. Segi University College
12. Curtin University
AIESEC's Mission
Age Range 18-25
"To create the youth with the will and the necessary competencies to generate change in society"
High interest towards different work culture
High interest towards different work culture
Target Market Pain Points:
"I want to enchance my experience working in a team"
"I want to learn how to lead a team"
"I want to have an internship experience outside Malaysia"
"I want to contribute something to the society"
Team Master Mind:
Afgansyah Reza
Ivain Yousept
Stella Mary Andreani
Key Business Problems
Marketing Objectives
A proposed marketing plan for
Value Proposition:
1. Lack of brand awareness
2. Lack of passion to become a member
3. Lack of local corporate sponsors
"Bringing a whole new experience in preparing and enchancing of facing different situation in the real worklife"
Objective 2
Objective 1
Strategy 2
Strategy 1
Strategy 3
Estimated Budget:
Estimated Budget:
University Magazines
Roadshows Event
Search, Press and Propose to:
AIESEC Website forum discussion page
Conducted in approximately 5 well known Malaysian Universities and 8 education fairs each year
AIESEC admission team should be ready at the stands to give information
Aberdeen Asset Management Sdn Bhd: Investment brokerage and other financial investments
Aberdeen Asset Management Sdn Bhd focusing on IT processors and microprocessors devices
Telling unique stories and experiences of their successful programs and their post-members to attract interests of the readers
Done by AIESEC publishing teams that include creative and writing team
Keeping continuous interaction between potential targets and senior members
Building mutual trust
Guest account
Done by IT personnel of AIESEC
Monitoring and Control
Timeline for Actions
(sample of 1 year period)
How ?
Why ?