The Blind & Visually Impaired Community in the U.S.
Although there are many misconceptions when it comes to this community, there are two myths that must be addressed:
1: People who are blind or visually impaired are helpless and cannot live a normal life, especially when it comes to trying to have normal conversations with others.
2: All people who are blind or visually impaired see nothing at all, and because of this they must use dark glasses,canes or guide dogs.
Class Related: The larger society pities and looks down to minorities (as we learned), which would not happen if they were knowledgeable.
ECE Related: 90% of children with blindness or visual impairments are educated in regular schools, in regular classrooms.
There is always more than meets the eye, minority groups deserve to be known and understood.
Myth #1
The blind and visually impaired consider their vision problems a mere physical nuisance, not a disability. (Jernigan,2010)
They are anything but helpless and strive to be very independent and hardworking in order have as normal as normal a life as possible.
Just because one cannot see, does not mean they are less capable of moving, thinking, or interacting. They live just as sighted people do.
Myth #1
Myth #2
One aspect of normal life- Relationships: 9.7 million married, 2.2 million widowed, 3.4 divorced, and 1.5 million living with a partner
They are able to communicate, form bonds, and turn those into lifetime commitments, which sheds light on conversing with others.
They use certain strategies in conversations in order to construct a more powerful identity. (Everts,2012)
*clearing throat before opening/closing conversation
*gaze towards speakers
*use names
*use hand gestures
They also use their language and knowledge of the visual world to build connections.
Background Information
The use of dark glasses is contingent upon specific situations and preferences.
Less than 2% use a cane for orientation and mobility.
2% of blind or visually impaired individuals use guide dogs.
A very small population uses these aids, making it incorrect to say all or the majority.
In the United States, 20.6 million adult Americans, or nearly 10% of all adult Americans, reported being blind or having trouble seeing even when wearing glasses or contact lenses.
This information comes from the American Foundation for the Blind (AFB) and the 2012 National Health Interview Survey.
Myth #2
10-15% of people who are blind or visually impaired actually "see" total darkness.
This is due to residual vision (perception).
They can depict certain shades for color and light and outlines for forms.