- "For female juveiles, 26% of all arrests are for larceny theft; 16% are for "all other offenses"; 16% are for simple assaults; and 11% are for disorderly conduct." (Agnew; 81)
- Causes of female delinquency
- Family
- Stressors, trauma, mental health
- Peer and parental relationships
- Economic disadvantage
- Females most likely to be arrested for minor crimes
- Females commit larceny-theft and status offenses.
- running away
- Socialization practices push female roles to be violent
- caused change in female violence
Class Status
"The eight factors that were significantly correlated with girls’ delinquency were as follows: (1) negative and critical mothers, (2) harsh discipline, (3) inconsistent discipline, (4) family conflict, (5) frequent family moves, (6) multiple caregivers, (7) longer periods of time with a single parent, and (8) growing up in socioeconomically disadvantaged families." (Girls Study Group)
- Chambliss's Saints and Roughnecks
- Demeanor
- Bias
- Visibility
- Can't compare between race and delinquency
- look at environment
- Race group with highest rate of crime is young, male, poor African American
- African americans more likely to be involved with serious delinquency
Boyz n the Hood
- Tracy's teen years spent committing delinquent acts
- Shoplifting, drugs, skips school
- External life causing a change in her internal self
- Brokenness because of her relationship with her divorced, recovering alcoholic mother
- The Greasers and the Socs
- The conflict between middle class and lower class delinquents
- Boy named Tre growing up in black urban America
- Tre has a father that desires for him to choose a life different than the vicious cycle of crime in the hood
- Neighborhood is filled with gang violence, crime and drugs
- Has friends who are involved with delinquency (Doughboy) but also striving for a way out (Ricky)
- Class status is the only difference between their delinquent acts
Gloria Nam
Juvenile Delinquency in Movies