National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
How it developed over the years- the highs and lows
Who is in charge of this department or agency? Why were they chosen?
How many employees does the NHTSA have?
When was it founded and why?
- Mark R. Rosekind is in charge of this department.
- Rosekind was the on scene board member for seven major transportation accidents and participated in almost 50 accident board meetings.
- His work has been widely published and his awards include NASA's Exceptional Service medal and many more.
- The NHTSA has 610 employees.
How much funding has it been receiving and is that number justified?
- The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration was founded in 1970.
- It was founded because the NHTSA wanted to carry out safety programs under the National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act of 1966 and the Highway Safety Act of 1966.
- Their mission is to save lives, prevent injuries, and reduce vehicle-related crashes.
- In 1964 and 1966, public pressure grew in the U.S. to increase the safety of cars.
- In 1966, Congress held a series of highly publicized hearings regarding highway safety and passed legislation to make installation of seat belts mandatory, which created the U.S. Department of Transportation on October 15, 1966.
- NHTSA has issued few regulations in the past 25 years. Most of the reduction in vehicle fatality rates during the last third of the 20th century were gained from the initial NHTSA safety standards during 1968–1984 and subsequent voluntary changes in vehicle crashworthiness by vehicle manufacturers.
- The NHTSA receives funds of 595 million dollars, but it is not sufficient because they need 908 million to be able to reach their goals.
Why is the NHTSA still important now?
What department is above it?
- The NHTSA is still important today because the administration helps save lives and prevent vehicle related crashes.
- The United States Department of Transportation is above the NHTSA.