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#2: Casey Anthony
-Plea: Not Guilty
-Verdict: Not Guilty
-Days spent in court: 33
-Days spent in court: 5
-Plea: Not guilty
-Verdict: Guilty
-John Thomas Scopes purposely
incriminated himself
-Daytona, Tennessee
- Plea: Not guilty
-Verdict: Not Guilty
-Days spent in court: 134
-Said to have spent $35 million
to cover up his wrong-doings
1. O.J. Simpson Murder Trial, 1994
2.Casey Anthony, 2008
3. Scopes Monkey Trial, 1925
4. John Hinckley Jr., 1982
5. Michael Jackson, 1993
6. JFK Assassination, 1963
7. The Lindbergh Baby Kidnapping, 1933
8. Leo Frank, 1913
-Lee Harvey Oswald arrested
as a suspect
-Jack Ruby shoots Oswald
-Oswald never had a plea
- Number of days spent in court
- Media attention
- Public interest
-Attemptped to assassinate
President Ronald Regan
Plea: Insanity
-Verdict: Not guilty because
of insanity