Problem solving!
Overview of What Mickey mouse teaches
First with having too many plates, the problem was
solved by taking plate #13 away.
The sencond problem was having too much things to
carry. they called on toodles, then therefore
picked a wagon to help get things to the car.
Decision making
Mickey Mouse clubhouse helps a child's intellectual development by going through the episodes in an interactive way by allowing proper response time for kids to answer, and then cheering them on as they help the characters through the varied quest, asking for them to help count along, or sort shapes into groups.
Easy addition and subtration
Team Work!
Minne, Daisy and Donald duck work togehter to count the plates.
Everyone brings something for
the picnic.
How can Mickey Mouse Clubhouse effect a preschooler's intellectual development?
What this episode taught
- Each plate has a number on it
- WHen the number was said, the numer was lit
- Adding a plate to show increasing amount= knowledge of Rational counting (understanding the meaning of items counted)
A preschooler's Intellectual devlopment
- Attention span lengthens
- They observe, analyze, problem solve and note cause and effect
- Group objects into categories with similar characteristics
- Organize objects in increasing or decreasing order
- Understand meaning of number items counted