Convention on the Law of the Sea (1982)
- an international treaty
- organization responsible for regulation: United Nations
- includes 168 parties
- final conference held in Montego Bay, Jamaica in 1982
Major Topics of the Convention
- territorial sea limits
- navigational rights
- conservation of living marine resources
- prevention of ocean pollution
- settlement of disputes between nations
- to protect the use of the sea, seabed, subsoil, and marine environment
- to promote better management of ocean resources
- to reduce growing tension between nations' rights to fish supply
Draft Years and Amendment Years
- first conference held in 1956, which led to the 4 conventions of 1958
- the UN held a second conference (UNCLOS II) in 1960, but did not reach a convention
- a third conference (UNCLOS III) was held in 1973 to resolve past issues
- the final conference in 1982 resulted in the Law of the Sea Convention (LOSC)
- the LOSC was enacted in 1994
- provisions
- of the Marine Environment
Convention on the Law of the Sea