Ancient World HIstory Textbook
The Europeans
- One of the few African societies that kept their religion and culture instead of being engulfed in the rising islam
- The Portuguese began to arrive at ports of Benin
- This caused success for both in trade
- over time, the Portuguese began to take over areas that these tribes owned and set up colonies
- Africans were also enslaved during this period
- Lived in modern day Southwestern Nigeria
- Still exists today, started in 1100 CE with the rise of Ife
- Kingdoms were surrounded by rural farms, which produced a surplus for the cities
- Farming Villages united to form the first kingdoms
- Ife and Oyo were largest kingdoms
- The kings of Yoruba were the religious and political leaders
- Considered "divine"
- All are descendents of the first king of Ife
- Created much art depicting their rulers out of wood, ivory, clay, and metal casts
- Created walls to fortify the city and also helped establish organization
- Houses around the city with a central courtyards and forums
- The city is most known for its art
- the art was made of terra-cotta, ivory, or grass
- In time as the city grew, it attracted European influence
- Ife and Oyo strongly influenced Benin's culture
- Art styles were ahead of its time and influenced many other civilizations
- Involved in much African trade
Are the 2 most important factors of this society
- simply is the supply of food
- Used for trade
- Trade
- Needed items such as salt, grain and cloth
- Many of the city states were located on the trade routes that linked other African states to the Mediterranean
- Supplied and traded with many caravans making their way through the trade routes
- City-state created a slave system and sold people for guns, horses, and other needs
Connection to themes
-Was established by a king named Ewuare around 1400
- Utilized to conquer neighboring cities and states
- Provided more dominance to Benin and brought wealth
- With trade and the wealth from conquer they were able to make a city
- Had many small city states that had similiar forms of Government and control
- Local rulers created walled cities for their capital
- Hausa Rulers governed their city and other small villages that were found around around the capital
- Had armies for each city that protected the city and fought their neighbors for control of fighting
- Due to these small armies constantly fighting, Hausa was never able to develop an Empire
- Formed trading partners all throughout Africa and traded through Europe too.
- Resisted change to religion, mostly kept it's old religion
- Inter-regional trade developed rapidly and created increased diversity
- Was a tribute monarchy that came from the Yoruba
- Located near the Delta of the Niger river
- Lived in the forest
- Kings based his right to rule of his ancestors (just like Yoruba)
- Built Army
- Created relatively large City due to control
- European Influence
- Savannah Area located east of Mali and Songhai which is located in modern Nigeria
- Located on the trade routes that linked other west African states to The Mediterranean sea
- Relied heavily on trade and farming
- City States
The Forest People of West Africa