4 months out:
- Venue & Date finalized
- Website live
- Sponsors
- Social Media
3 Months Out:
- Agenda finalized
- Community: Start spreading the word that you are bringing Startup Pirates to your city—this is a great way to network for speakers, mentors, and judges. You should be active at as many events as possible all the way up to the event in order to promote your Startup Pirate event.
- Local Resources: Contact local organizations that might have an interest in helping Startup Pirates
2 Months Out:
- Social Media: Time to really start generating buzz about the program now.
- Marketing: Put together a list of people to reach out to that would be willing to help promote the program.
- Speakers, Mentors & Judges: Time to start reaching out to your list of potential speakers, mentors and judges.
- Sponsors: Follow up with any companies that have already expressed interest in sponsoring the event and keep contacting as many companies as possible to sponsor. Cold calling/emailing works wonders.
2 Weeks Out:
- Social Media: Continue to be active with your city’s Startup Pirates social media accounts to spread the word about the event.
- Marketing
- Speakers, Mentors & Judges: These must be finalized by now. You should follow up with all of them and just give them a friendly reminder that the event is in a couple weeks and ask if they have any questions. This email will ensure that they have not forgotten and that they are still available to be there for the event.
- Sponsors
- Food: If you have not already, start thinking about food! Start to reach out to local restaurants, breweries, and wineries who might be interested in providing food at the event for one or more meals. You should have a rough idea of numbers but nothing final. Try to get a discount for the meals in exchange for some recognition or signage. Also be sure to mention our non-profit status for potential discounts on food.
- Participants: Confirm you've selected all your participants from the applications and that everyone is on board.
- Ticket Prices: If ticket sales are a bit short, you can set up some discount codes.
The Final Week:
- Marketing & Social Media: The last week before the event it is important to be as active promoting the event as you can be. One last big marketing push!
- Speakers, Mentors & Judges: These must be finalized by now. Email them all and send them any information they need: The event venue, directions, parking information and a pass (if necessary), time they should be there, your cell number, etc.
- Sponsors: It doesn’t hurt to keep contacting new potential sponsors the last week, especially if you are short on the budget. Many past sponsors have been last minute.
- Food: Finalize all meals and who will be picking them up if they are not delivered. Have a backup plan prepared in case you run out of snacks/drinks/coffee during the event.
- Presentation materials: You should collectively have a basic intro deck for the first day prepared.
- Brief agenda for the week & any notes on the venue (wifi login/pw, closing hours, etc.)
- Sponsored resources available to attendees.
Lessons Learned
Hope for the best, plan for the worst
Action begins with action
On the day of the event, there is no such thing as PROBLEM, only SOLUTIONS.
What is your horror story?
Career Advice
Be open-minded
Always follow-up and evaluate your event
Leverage the relationships that you have
Project Management tools
- Logo
- Website
- Facebook
- Twitter
- Wiki (know-how)
The Right Team
Ideal situation
- A team leader and a facilitator
- Finances/Sponsorships
- Logistics
- Partnerships
- Content
- Community/Participants Manager
- IT
Task line
The main difficulties found when organising the program:
- Finding a good dedicated and motivated team
- Choose the guests (speakers and mentors)
- The communication, getting out there
- Getting the participants
- Getting sponsors
- Tips for Social media
- Guide to PR
- Press release template
About Me
The Beginning
Master of Science in Corporate Finance
Study abroad - Lisbon, Portugal
- Bachelor of Science in Finance and Banking
The Big Change
MBA - Strategic Management
Events Coordinator
Work & travel
summer camps
Hungarian Economist's Society from Romania
- Non-profit organization
- Organized professional events on a national level
- Managed the Central Office of the organization and led the volunteers
Startup Pirates @ Cluj-Napoca
Creativity, Empowerment, Employability, Entrepreneurship
Activities in numbers
Over 150 companies sponsored our activities
Speaker series & Wine tastings
Teambuilding activities
Leadership trainings
Sexy Economy
Henrietta Nagy
Event Management
Henrietta Nagy