- Guernica shows how the tragedy of war affects innocent civilians.
- Anti-war symbol
- The piece toured around the world after completion, became famous and brought attention (and funds) to the Spanish Civil War (republicans vs fascists)
- Picasso was originally commissioned by Spanish Republic for the Paris exhibition in '37 but decided to make Guernica once the bombing occurred. (PBS, n.d.)
- By Pablo Picasso
- Completed in June 1937
- Named after Guernica, a town bombed by Nazi's during the Spanish Civil War in April 26, 1937 (, n.d.)
The Boy who cried wolf
- Story in a collection of fables created by Aesop, a slave and storyteller who is thought to have lived in ancient Greece between 620-564 BCE (Museum, n.d.)
- Aesop's fables were passed through generations and across different languages for centuries.
- First printed version in English was published in 1484 by Williams Caxton
They all have tanks
- This work of literature promoted the importance of credibility and trust.
- This story and many others of Aesop are still widely distributed through the world.
- The ending of the story clearly illustrated that no one believes a habitual liar, even when they tell the truth. (Museum, n.d.)
"I'll throw my words and my words are lethal
I’m brave and I dont fear gunfire
Remebering Che Guevara's wish I'm sweet and innocent
But if you make me hungry I become wild, wild, wild
Who do you think you are, behind the tank like a rooster?"
"Long live, long live, long live, Palestine
And to the Arab leaders, who are still sleeping
Where are you?
Where are your voices that should be filled with outrage and fury at this situation?" (Mansour, 2017)
Was it a success?
- Widely distributed over social media platforms.
- Recognition and tours internationally in U.S. , Europe, and Middle East
- Encourages integrated audiences.
- Succeeded in informing and spreading awareness of Palestinian issues (Mansour, 2017)
- Kollon 3endon Dababat "They All Have Tanks" by Shadia Mansour
circa December 2008
- Born 1985 in South London to Palestine parents
- "First Lady of Arab Hip-hop" since 2003 debut
- Challenges misogyny, Middle eastern politics, and Israel and American occupation in Palestine (Robathan, 2016)
Works Cited
Mansour, S. (Director). (2017). Kollon 3endon Dababaat [Motion Picture]. Retrieved from
Museum, V. a. (n.d.). Aesop's Fables: The Boy Who Cried Wolf. Retrieved from Victoria and Albert Museum: (n.d.). Guernica, 1937 by Pablo Picasso. Retrieved from Pablo Picasso:
PBS. (n.d.). Guernica in exile. Retrieved from PBS:
Robathan, H. (2016, August 21). Shadia Mansour: The Voice Of Palestine From South London. Retrieved from The Culture Trip:
Alyssa Washington
Art as moralistic, protest, and propaganda