Archetypes and Myths
Are there any myths you believe in?
Persephone and her Abduction
- Known as the daughter of Demeter and Goddess of vegetation
- Was lusted after by many which lead to her abduction by Hades
- Zeus forced Hades to return Persephone back to her mother
- Hades tricks her into eating the fruit of the Underworld which forces her to return to the there a third of the year
Jesus: Death and Resurrection
- Put under arrest after he is betrayed by Judas
- Was ordered to be crucified by the Roman Soliders
- Dressed him in a purple robe and crown of thorns and has his hand and feet nailed to a cross
- He was mocked, drugged, and beaten until death the next day when he died
- He was buried that evening in a tomb that was found empty on Sunday by Mary Magadalene
Weighing of the Heart
Izanagi and Izanami
- Ceremony
- Ancient Egyptians believed, when they died they would be judged on their behavior during their life time.
- Then they would be given an afterlife if their life time before was approved
- Feather represented this - Had to balance out equally to be passed through to an afterlife
- Believed the heart was the center of thought, memory and emotion
- Created by the gods of Takamagahara (the heavens) as the 1st male and female to construct Ashihara-no-nakatsukuni
- Izanami was burned to death during the birth of the fire god, Kagutsuchi
- Was reborn in Yomi-no-kuni (the Land of the Dead)
- The god of beauty and desire
- Belonged to women; the dying of Adonis was fully developed in a circle of young girls
- Had many roles
- An annually-renewed, ever-youthful vegetation god
- A life-death-rebirth deity whose nature is tied to the calendar
- Was killed by a wild boar - due to jealousy of his ability to hunt
Make up your own myth that has to do with death and rebirth.....
Death and rebirth - The most common of all situational archetypes, this archetype grows out of the parallel between the cycle of nature & the cycle of life.
The Walking Dead
Do you believe that there is an afterlife?
- Rick was in a coma
- "New" world
- Dead people