Theobald Smith
Theobald Smith
July 31st, 1859 - December 10th, 1934
- Smith was born in Albany, New York July 31st, 1859
- Recieved a Bachelor degree in Philosophy from Cornell University(1881) and he then got his MD from the Albany Medical College(1883)
- Smith got a lab assistant position with the Veterinary Division of the US Department of Agriculture based in Washington D.C.
Joshua Anthony
Lansingburgh High School
New Visions Scientific Research and World Health
Teaching and Other Affiliations
Works Cited
Schultz, Myron. "Biography." National Center for Biotechnology Information. U.S. National Library of Medicine, 29 May 0006. Web. 15 Sept. 2014.
"Theobald Smith." Whonamedit -. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Sept. 2014.
Kruif, Paul De. Microbe Hunters. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1926. Print.
- Smith taught at Columbian University, now George Washington University, and founded the schools department of bacteriology
- He then taught at Harvard, teaching comparative pathology
- Joined the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research
- Inspector of the Bureau of Animal Industries (BAI)
-was founded to combat the wide range of animal diseases
- He did a great deal of research in finding causes and improving vaccines in humans and animals
- One of his greatest accomplishments was the discovery of the cause of Texas Cattle Fever
- Smith along with others discovered the cause of Texas Cattle Fever to be a species of tick
- This led to others finding insects as the cause of other diseases in humans and animals