College is expensive!
True Cost of College
- Tuition & Fees – The cost to take college classes and utilize the services provided by the college.
- Room – The cost of a room in a dorm, residence hall, or apartment.
- Board – The cost of meals provided by a college meal plan.
- Books and Supplies – Students are expected to purchase the books and supplies needed for their classes.
- Transportation – Transportation costs vary. The costs depend on whether a student lives on campus or commutes from home.
- Personal Expenses – Personal items, toiletries, clothes, laundry, etc.
Finacial Aid (not aide)
Money that is available to help pay for college.
FASFA- Free Application for Federal Student Aid
Can not get money unless FASFA is complete
2 kinds of aid
4 main levels of education and degrees
1. Associates- 2 years of basics
2. Undergraduate/Bachelors- finishing the requires course work.
3. Graduate/Masters- Must have a bachlores and then complete additional course work, pluse some require a thesis
4. Docorate- requires more course work and a diseration
Is the money you pay to take classes.
Housing, Food, Books, Parking, and fun are not part of your tuition
"College is too expensive, I'm going to work for a year to save money."
If you take a year off you are less likely to go!
Have you thought about how you will pay for college?
Write each word on a seperate note cards
How much money do you think will you need to attend college?
What do you think it means when someone receives financial aid?
Write down how you are planning to finance your college education.
Financial Aid Vocabulary
- Finance: The management of large amounts of money; the monetary (having to do with money) resources of a country, organization, or person.
- Aid: financial or material help given to a country, area, or person in need.
- Grant: Agree to give a sum of money given by an organization (especially the government) for a particular purpose.
- Loan: An act of lending something to someone; A sum of money that is expected to be paid back.
- Scholarship: A grant or payment made to support a student’s education, awarded on the basis of academic or other achievement.
- Work-Study: Short for Federal Work Study Program; a program funded through the government which helps students earn funding for college and graduate school through a part-time work program.
- Eligible: Having the right to do or obtain (get) something.
- Defray: To pay all or part of a cost.