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Búsquedas populares
"Our speeding light illuminates a sign that says that we are in the Kootenai National Forest" (25).
"That little Indian woman. I don't know what tribe, with a big black man. And a child too. She looks like him" (7).
"After a Conoco station east of Havre, Mom turns to me..." (28).
"The doctors tell her that if she doesn't slow down she's going to shoot her liver, but she won't take care of herself. 'It's just the way I am' she says" (8).
"I can't help it, her cheat bothers me, but I go along. It's not worth arguing about" (4).
"Give me three good reasons why I should be glad to see you" (30).
"We wiz through the small towns, ignoring their offers of a real country breakfast, a fill-up, or a Dairy Queen, and come, about one o'clock, to the turn-off that leads to the reseravtion" (28).
"It occurs to me for the first time that this hospital visit might be different, that she [Christine] might really have a disease" (5).
"The future never discourages her, since she doesn't think about it from a distance" (13).
"Mom picks up the bags in her fists and turns away, walking, and then, off balance, doing a jerky run down the hill to the car" (31).
"I file away that I'm not a fool, according to my father who hardly knows me..." (6).
Why do we not get an exact location--a specific reservation?
"She's talking to the guy behind the wheel, talking and running, dragging her gabage bags, and finally the door opens and she hops in. The truck gathers speed. It gets lost in its own dust" (32).
"Once in a hardware store, I found each of our exact shades on a paint mix-tone chart. Mom was Almond Joy, Dad was Burnt Clay, and I was Maple Walnut" (9).
"You're just going to dump me here like this? In the middle of nowhere late at night?" (15).
"Her mother, whom everybody--even Mom--calls Aunt Ida, visited us once in Seattle when I was about eight. I remember her as big and forbidding, a woman who refused to speak English and loved TV" (14).
"This is the kind of thing that could scar me for life" (15).
"I don't lnow if I'm ready to make peace or not, but she gives me no choice" (16).
"Ha! I'm not going back there alone" (14).
"Mom is padding along next to me, complaining about the damness of the ground, complaining she is catching a cold..." (17).
Can we trust Rayona's perspective here--why/why not?
"I am screaming like a crazy person" (32).