Works Cited
Baillie-Hamilton, P. F. (2002). Chemical toxins: a hypothesis to explain the global obesity epidemic. The Journal of Alternative &
Clause, B. 1993. The Wistar rat as a Complementary Medicine,8(2), 185-192.right choice: Establishing mammalian standards and the ideal of a standardized mammal. Journal of the History of Biology, Summer 1993,Volume 26, Issue 2, pp 329-349
Ogden, C., Carroll, M., Kit, B., Flegal, K. 2014. Prevalence of Childhood and Adult Obesity in the United States. JAMA. 2014;311(8):806-814
Wang, L., Schnute, W. 2011. Direct Determination of Endothall in Water Samples by IC–MS. The Application Notebook
Wyatt, S. B., Winters, K. P., & Dubbert, P. M. 2006. Overweight and obesity: prevalence, consequences, and causes of a growing public health problem. The American journal of the medical sciences, 331(4), 166-174.
Endothall Containing Pesticides and Their Effect on the Endocrine Secreting Organs of Digestive System
By: Michael Rausch
This will allow us to see what dosage of endothall will equate to damage in digestive tissues.
That dosage will be administered to see if the damage to digestive tissue equates to a decrease in the hormones secreted by digestive organs.
I hypothesize that exposures to endothall below the levels of the LD50 but in the range that is toxic to the digestive tract will have the potential to effect the endocrine system, specifically being shown in changes within the Body Mass Index (BMI) in rats.
Specific Aim 2
Identify the lowest dose of endothall that shows a negative impact on digestive tissues.
Administer that dose to rats via gavage.
Monitor their endocrine hormone levels via blood samples.
Compare weight gain with that of the control group
Specific Aim 1
Specific Aim 1: Examine the effect that endothall has at low levels on the digestive tract.
Specific Aim 2: Examine the impact that endothall has on the endocrine hormones that are secreted by the digestive organs of the body.
-Acquire Cell samples from the organs of the digestive system.
-Culture the cells
(11 cultures/ organ cell)
Observe cell damage by staining with ethidium bromide
Endothall cont'd
-Used to treat plants that are a part of our daily diet and consumption.
**Many pesticides have been found to contain toxic chemicals. Some have even been labeled as EDCs.
-Regulated by the EPA 100 ppb in drinking water.
-California 580 ppb
-Absorptions have been shown to cause repeated vomiting, hemorrhages in the gastrointestinal tract and swelling in the lungs.
-One of the most common chemicals found in herbicides
-LD50 of endothall is
51 mg/kg in rats.
Because the LD50 has already been found for rats, Wistar rats will be used as the subject of this study.
-Used for both aquatic and terrestrial weeds.
-Toxic chemical
-Runoff also gets in H20.
Common Causes of Obesity
-Energy imbalance
Lack of physical activity mixed with a poor diet.
-Heredity (though the effect is small)
-Prenatal and early life influences.
-Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals
-chemicals that, at certain doses, can interfere with the hormone system.
-EDCs can cause a hormonal imbalance, making body weight regulation difficult.
Background on the Obesity Epidemic
-As of 2013, more than 1/3 of Americans are obese. (34.9% or 78.6 million people)
*Obesity is determined in this case by using the Measurement of Body Mass Index (BMI)
-Obesity can cause numerous problems in the human body.
hypertension, type II diabetes, increased risk of coronary disease and heart attack, hyperlipidemia, infertility, and joint and bone pain.
**Approximately 300,000 deaths are attributed to obesity in America annually.**