Agesilaus (brother)
- Used her to also show that olympic chariot victories were won by wealth, not by manly excellence
- Hoped to show that if a woman won than it would prove that the sport is unmanly
- had manipulated the equestrian events so that his sister could compete
More Facts
- Cynisca won the 4 horse chariot racing in 396BC & 392BC
- At the time females couldn't enter and could not even look at the contests taking place
- many historians today, use her as a figure of the social rise of women
- the movement to give them equal rights and opportunities
Beginning-into her career
- She was encouraged to breed horses & compete in the games by her brother
- Her winning didn't stop the wealthy Spartans engagement in the sport
- Cynisca's chariot racing was intended to empower female athletes
- force out discourse about gender rules in sports
Early Life
- Said to be a tomboy
- Expert equestrian & very wealthy
- She had perfect qualifications to be a successful trainer
- Was a Spartan princess
- Drove 2 horse chariot as a "child"
Cynisca of Sparta
- Born 440BC-unknown
- Daughter of Europontid, and Archidamus II
- Brother Agsilaus II
- Name means 'female puppy'