Alpha Culture
Beta Culture
The beta culture is based around trade. Individual value is based on the success of an individual trader.
BaFa BaFa
A Cross Cultural Simulation
- Explore the idea of culture
- Engage in feelings that are similar to those that are experienced when interacting with a different culture
- Observe and interact with another culture
Split up into Cultures
The alpha culture is based around communication, family, and social rules. Individual value is based on adherence to and respect for the societal structure.
- Colored white, blue, green, yellow, pink, and orange
- Numbered 1 through 7
- Only have value if all cards are the same color and are in sequence
- Collect as many sets of colors as possible
- Hold up card you are willing to trade
Blimmer, Tibber, Stipper
- If your card is the same as the leader's card, the leader pays them a chip
- If your card is different than the leader's card, you pay the leader a chip
- Dominant gender is always the leader
- Patriarch/Matriarch always is the leader and always wins
- The Stipper card is an insult
- Have fun, and converse about mutual interests
Effective trading
Trading cards
Trading language only
Do not teach foreigners the language
A lot of appropriate touching, close contact, and conversation
Match the Leader Game
Patriarch/Matriarch society
Identify and ignore offensive visitors
Beta Language
a e i o u
Blue: Ba, Be, Bi, Bo, Bu
Green: Ga, Ge, Gi, Go, Gu
White: Wa, We, Wi, Wo, Wu
Yellow: Ya, Ye, Yi, Yo, Yu
Pink: Pa, Pe, Pi, Po, Pu
Orange: Oa, Oe, Oi, Oo, Ou
Blue, Green, White, Yellow, Pink, Orange
My name is Brent Folsen, so my initials are B.F.
BaFa Ba
BaFa BaFa
BaFa BaFa Ba
BaFa BaFa BaFa
BaFa BaFa BaFa Ba
- Numbers are based on your initials
What would I say if I wanted a Green four?
What would I say if I wanted an Orange one?
What would I say if I wanted a White seven?
- Stands inside the Circle of Honor and is respected by alphas
- Always wins Match the Leader game
- Sanctions new members into the culture
- Protects the inferior gender from offenders
What did you observe or feel?
Now What?
What are some different culture traits you have observed?
What questions do you have?
What is the difference between "good" and "bad" questions? Why is this distinction important when experiencing another culture?
What is the difference between generalizing and stereotyping?
What are some typical ways that a person can learn about a culture?
What will you do with this knowledge?
How does this affect the way we engage with those we serve or work?
How will you respond to a similar situation in the future?