born: July 14th 1913
died: Dec. 26th 2006
His mother and father divorced because his drunk of a father would beat her. She later married a salesman named Gerald Ford, so Leslie became a Gerald Ford Jr.
He became the 38th President on August 9th 1974 until 1977. His vice president was Nelson Rockefeller.
Gerald FOrd had 4 children.
micheal ford (born 3-14-1950)- minister
john ford (born 3-16-1952)- reporter
susun vance bales (born 7-6-1957)- photographer
steven ford (born 5-19-1956)-actor/rodeo preformer
He enraged many americans when he issued the pardon for Nixon, many believed it to be a pre-arranged deal.
He is probably best remembered for his public letter that he signed with Carter and George H.W. Bush that stated they opposed of decriminalization of marijuana. along with allowing the use of medical marijuana would send the message it had medical value.
He was the only president that never was electend higher then congress. he was elected into congress 12 times never getting less then 60% of the vote.
He was a U.S. navy from 1942-1946.
He was a lieutenant comander during World War II
There where two atempted assasinations, both by women.
Ford was a football player and had the chance to join the Detroit Lions or the Green Bay Packers. he turned down both and instead was the assistant coach for Yale while he attended law school.
Leslie Lynch King Jr.
a.k.a Gerald Ford
Elizabeth Ann Bloomer was a dancer and a model until she married. She married twice; once to a sales man then to Gerald Ford becoming Betty Ford. After Ford became president she spent her time as the First Lady supporting the Equal Rights Admendment and legalizing abortion