- Genre of genocide films is not expansive
- The Holocaust commands attention
- Lack of representation of female perpetrators is common
- The attempts at representation are lacking
- Established stereotypes are perpetuated by the industry
- Benigni, R. (1997). Life is Beautiful [DVD].
- Caton-Jones, M. (2005). Beyond the Gates [DVD].
- Daldry, S. (2008). The Reader [Amazon Video].
- George, T. (2004). Hotel Rwanda [Netflix].
- Gulaid, H. (2011, January 21). Ordinary Women: Understanding Female Agency in the Perpetration of Genocide [Web]. Armenian Weekly. Retrieved from
- Herman, M. (2008). The Boy in the Striped Pajamas [DVD].
- Ieng Thirith. (n.d.). [Web]. Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia. Retrieved 4 June 2015, from
- Khmer Rouge ex-minister Ieng Thirith released. (2012, September 16). [Web]. BBC. BBC News Service. Retrieved from
Why is this important?
The Reader
The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
Johanna Altvater
- An exception to the rule of omission?
- Romance story takes precedence
- Perpetrator is victimized by her illiteracy
- No depiction of direct violence
- These movies seem to suggest that although women were present in the camps, they did not engage in direct killing
- The reality was very different
- Johanna Altvater - Candy
- Erna Petri - Shooting
- Liesel Willhaus - Targets
- Vera Wohlauf - Treblinka
- Lisolotte Meirer - Hunting
Erna Petri
- Life Is Beautiful (1998). (n.d.). [Web]. Retrieved 4 June 2015, from
- Maier, D. J. (2012). Women Leaders in the Rwandan Genocide: When Women Choose To Kill [Web]. UNIversitas. University of Northern Iowa. Retrieved 4 June 2015, from
- Peck, R. (2005). Sometimes in April [Netflix].
- Schindler’s List (1993). (n.d.). [Web]. Retrieved 4 June 2015, from
- Simons, M. (2011, June 24). Life Sentences in Rwanda Genocide Case [Web]. The New York Times. Retrieved from
- Spielberg, S. (1993). Schindler’s List [Amazon Video].
- The Killing Fields (1984). (n.d.). [Web]. Retrieved 4 June 2015, from
- Theodore, W. (2009). Genocide. In J. A. O’Brien (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Gender and Society. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
- Waller, J. E. (2007). Becoming Evil: How Ordinary People Commit Genocide and Mass Killing. Google Books. Oxford University Press, USA. Retrieved from
Liesel Willhaus
- Females in the story:
- Mother
- Daughter
- Maid
- No direct acts of violence
- Victimization of the mother elicits sympathy even though she is complicit in the crime
- Attempted depiction of female perpetrators
- One direct act of violence
- Not a fair representation of reality
- Female comrades = mit neary
- Women were also in positions of power
- Ieng Thirith
Life is Beautiful
- Presence of female killers was well documented
- No female perpetrators present in any of the movies analyzed
- Women are only victims or saviors
- Grossed a lifetimes total of $229,163,264
- Female perpetrators are guards
- Most significant woman: A nanny
- Female perpetrators are subservient to their male counterparts
- No women engaged in direct acts of violence
The Method
- Noted female perpetrators represented in each film and their acts of violence
The Holocaust
Rwanda's Female Killers
- Pauline Nyiramasuhuku
- "Minister of Rape"
- Athanasie Mukabataria
- Machete in Hospitals
- Felicitee Semakuba
- Pregnant Shooter
- Sisters Gertrude Mukangango and Julienne Kizito
- Convicted for Crimes Against Humanity
- Most depicted of the genocides
- Movies:
- Schindler's List
- Life is Beautiful
- The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
- The Reader
Pauline Nyiramasuhuku
Schindler's List
- Grossed a lifetime total of $321,306,305
- Only female perpetrators are guards
- No acts of direct violence
- Female are categorized in three groups:
- Victims
- Helen Hirsch
- Witnesses
- Wife to Oskar Schindler
- Wives/lovers of Nazi Members
- Lover of Amon Goeth
The Argument
- Film industry has failed at recognizing women as violent participants
- Why?
- Females are seen as nurturers and life-givers
- An accurate depiction in the realm of popular culture is essential
Representation of Female Perpetrators of Genocide in Film
By Antonella Regueiro
Nova Southeastern University