Event 15
Event 17
Event 16
Event 13
Gatsby and Daisy return home in Gatsby's car, however, while heading through the Valley of Ashes, Daisy (who was driving at the time) hits Myrtle, who thought it was Tom after seeing him drive by in Gatsby's car earlier that day, and is killed upon impact.
Nick prepares a funeral for Gatsby, however, finds that not people have arrived. He does however, meet Gatsby's father, who says that he is proud of his son.
After the funeral, Nick explains that he moved midwest, and offers one last reflection on the events of the novel.
George, Myrtle's husband, is distraught over her death, and vows to find out who did it. After Tom places the blame on Gatsby, he travels to Gatsby's mansion. Gatsby, who is sitting in his swimming pool, is shot and killed by George. He then commits suicide.
Event 14
Gatsby, Nick, Tom, Daisy, and Jordan arrive in New York, and rent a room at the Plaza Hotel. While there, Tom confronts Gatsby about his relationship with Daisy. The two get into a heated argument, where Daisy is put in a choice between Gatsby or Tom. While Daisy said she loves Gatsby too, she couldn't give up her lifestyle, and returns to Tom, crushing Gatsby's Dream
The scene changes to the hottest day of the summer, where Nick goes to East Egg to have lunch with Daisy and Tom, and finds that Gatsby and Jordan are there too. The Buchanan's daughter, Pammy, is introduced as well.
While having lunch, Daisy and Gatsby cannot hide their love for each other, and she asks if they all want to go to the city. It is here that Tom begins to slowly see Daisy and Gatsby's passion.
Event 4
Some years after the war, Nick moves to West Egg, in hopes of becoming a part of the growing bond business. On his first night in the village, he visits meets Daisy's husband, the slick Tom Buchanan, an old friend of his from college, and their guest, Jordan Baker, at the Buchanan's home in East Egg.
Event 5
Event 12
While taking a drive to New York, Gatsby reveals his past to Nick, who finds it to be non-believable to a degree. He also introduces Meyer Wolfsheim, his partner. It is now suspected that Gatsby possibly gets his money illegally.
Later on, Tom takes Nick to the Valley of Ashes and introduces his mistress, Myrtle Wilson. They decide to have a party at Morningside Heights, an apartment. Towards the end of the party, Tom slaps Myrtle due to her bringing up Daisy.
Gatsby calls off all of his servants in hopes that no one spreads gossip about him and Daisy.
Event 3:
After Cody's death, now penniless, Gatsby decides to enlist in World War I. However, it just so happens that around the time, he meets a woman named Daisy Fay in Louisville, and falls in love with her. However, he soon leaves for battle.
While in the war, he meets the story's narrator, Nick Carraway, and forms a friendship with him.
Event 1:
Event 6
1892, Gatsby, born as James Gatz, is born to poor family in North Dakota.
Event 2:
Event 8
Many years later,while helping sailors on Lake Superior from crashing their ships, Gatz helps a man named Dan Cody. Fortunate for his help, Dan allows him to work for him as an assistance. When asked his name, he comes up with the name we all know and love; Jay Gatsby.
Gatsby throws a party in his mansion, inviting Nick. He meets Jordan at the party and the two set out to find Gatsby.
After some time, they couldn't find them, but a fancy looking man comes up to them, and introduces himself as none other than Jay Gatsby. Nick becomes more fascinated with him as the party continues.
Event 10
Gatsby asks Nick through
Jordan to set up a meeting for him and Daisy at Nick's house. Nick agrees, and the next day, Gatsby and Daisy are reunited.
Nick, reflecting on Gatsby and Daisy's first kiss, realizes that Gatsby now has his 'American Dream'; Daisy herself.
Event 9
While at the Sloane's, Gatsby and
Tom finally meet. After making an off-handed comment that he knows Daisy, Tom is suspicious because of that.
The next Saturday, he and Daisy go to one of Gatsby's parties, where Tom accuses Gatsby of being a bootlegger, which explains how he got his money.
The Great Gatsby Timeline
By Ivan Morales