Gender-based Harassment in the RCMP
By: Victoria Catella, Emily Hale, Amela Huskic, Ishani Shah
- RCMP have implemented steps in response to these claims
- For more information for this ongoing case please visit:
Discussion Question 3 Answer
Overcoming Resistance:
- Tactics include:
- Education and communication
- Building support and commitment
- Developing positive relationships
Individual Resistance
- Misunderstanding and lack of trust
- Different assessments
Organizational Resistance
- Limited focus of change
- Group inertia
Discussion Question 3 Answer
Discussion Question 2 Answer
Discussion Question 3
- Leadership lacked in the following behaviour:
- Employee-Oriented: leaders who emphasize interpersonal relations by taking a personal interest in the needs of employers and accepting individual differences among them.
- Consideration: a leader high in consideration helps employees with personal problems,is friendly and approachable, treats all employees as equals, and expresses appreciation and support.
3. Devise a plan to manage a culture change at the RCMP. What resistance might you encounter and how could you overcome it?
Discussion Question 2
2. Do the alleged claims of sexual harassment point to a leadership problem? Why or Why not?
Discussion Question 1 Answer
- The RCMP’s Organizational Climate: the shared perceptions organizational members have about their organization and work environment
- From the their organizational climate, the RCMP’s ethical work climate is developed
- Ethical Work Climate (EWC): the shared concept of right and wrong behaviour in the workplace
- In the eyes of male officers, female officers are not seen as equal
Discussion Questions
1. What aspects of the organizational culture in the RCMP may have contributed to its problems with widespread sexual harassment allegations?
2. Do the alleged claims of sexual harassment point to a leadership problem? Why or Why not?
3. Devise a plan to manage a culture change at the RCMP. What resistance might you encounter and how could you overcome it?
Discussion Question 1
1. What aspects of the organizational culture in the RCMP may have contributed to its problems with widespread sexual harassment allegations?
What has Leadership done?
- Review of the existing harassment policy
- New Code of Conduct has been introduced in April 2014
- However, local level management turns a ‘blind eye’
- July 2014 a new lawsuit was launched by 330 women
- Over harassment, bullying, and sexual issues
Janet Merlo
RCMP Leadership
- Co-workers left sex toys and pornography on her desk
- After two years of Jenet's initial complaint, RCMP reported that her complaints have been investigated but no action would be taken
- Filed a legal complained but was not able to proceed due to high cost
- RCMP leadership not surprised with the complaints
- Bob Paulson – New RCMP Commissioner made a formal statement
- Existence of the force was at risk
- Many Mounties misuse power
- Potential removal of Stetson
Additional Cases
Corporal Catherine Galliford
- Four other female RCMP officers came forward
- Alleged harasser: Sergeant Robert Blundell
- Internal complaints were dismissed and ignored
- In 2003, the four women filed a lawsuit against the RCMP for their lack of response with their complaints
- Another victim of workplace sexual harassment
- Used the media to expose severity of harassment that was experienced by many
- Inspired other female officers with similar experiences to come forward
- Resulted in the beginning of a class action lawsuit against the RCMP
Nancy Sulz
Jenet Merlo
- In December 2006: The BC Court of Appeal upheld the decision by the BC Supreme Court to award Nancy Sulz $955 000 in damages for severe, long-term harassment experienced while she worked for Canada’s RCMP
- She requested a medical discharge from the RCMP in 2000 due to major depressive disorder
- In the late 1980s another female officer made similar claims about Nancy’s harasser, Staff Sergeant Donald Smith, but didn’t pursue them.
- Another victim of workplace sexual harassment
- Received a medical discharge for post-traumatic stress disorder due to workplace harassment and bullying
- Frequent sexual remarks
- Unwanted invitations from her immediate supervisor