"Mao Zedong." <i>BBC News</i>. BBC, n.d. Web. 01 Dec. 2015. Staff. "Mao Zedong Outlines the New Chinese Government." <i></i>. A&E Television Networks, 2009. Web. 01 Dec. 2015. Staff. "Chiang Kai-shek." <i></i>. A&E Television Networks, 2009. Web. 01 Dec. 2015.
"Chiang Kai-Shek." <i>BBC News</i>. BBC, n.d. Web. 03 Dec. 2015.
Smil, Vaclav. "China's Great Famine: 40 Years Later." BMJ : British Medical Journal. British Medical Journal, 18 Dec. 1999. Web. 03 Dec. 2015.
- Retreated to Taiwan after it became evident that the communist party would seize the nation
- Negotiated with Mao to put the Chinese Civil War on hold during World War II
- When Japan invaded, Chiang continued to focus on driving out the Communists rather than the Japanese, angering many of his supporters.
- Suppressed all opposition
- Most CCP leaders were orthodox Marxists
- Mao Introduced Chinese Communism
- less industrial proletariat, more peasantry
- Great Leap Forward
- mass mobilization of whole chinese population
- but that caused a complete collapse of the feudal system and lead to the great famine (1958-1961)
- Cultural Revolutiuon
- he purged everyone he thought responsible for the failure of the GLF
- Called upon the young peasants to call out the purged
- Released Little Red Book (Mao quotes) and everyone took to the streets
- Caused some deep opposition and many riots
- Mao had to crush these with military force
- These riots continued until Mao's death
- He continued to solidify its position by reunifying China after it had fractured during the rebellion against the Qing dynasty
- Chiang first began to consolidate his power with the expulsion of Communists from the KMT
Chiang - Consolidating and Maintaining Power
Mao Zedong - Rise to Power
Chiang Kai-Shek - Rise to Power
- In 1918, Chiang joined the Koumintang (KMT)
- Began building up the Nationalist Army
- In 1925, the parties head, Sun Yat-sen died, Chiang was named his successor
- In 1927, Chiang began to purge the Communists to consolidate his power in the party
- He became the official head in 1928, in Nanking
- Founded Communist Party of China (CPC) (1921)
- Allied with KMT party to overthrow warlords in (1923)
- KMT leader then led anti-communist purge (1927)
- Mao&co retreated, but KMT surrounded them (1934)
- Mao escaped through "Long Walk"
- 6k mile journey from S to N China (1934-1936)
- KMT and CCP allied against Japan (1937-1945)
- Civil war broke out between them (1946-1949)
- CCP won and Mao declared himself ruler
- Established a successful regime
- Did not support aristocracy
- Implemented policies without any advisements
- Modeled armies after Stalin
- Strongly beleived in the value of militaristic domination
- Not only Socialist, but very anti-communist
- Failed to establish a sucessful regime
- Fled to after being defeated
- Supported the landowing aristocracy
- Opposed Japanese invasion (although not very much)
Mao Zedong v Chiang Kai-shek
Mao Policies
Chiang Policies
- Ultimately, Chiang's only enduring legacy was his failure to create a unified China with the Communist party and wasting thousands of Chinese lives in the Chinese Civil War
- The KMT lost control of China in 1949, after which they retreated to Taiwan
- Chiang headed the KMT from 1925 until his death in 1975
- Chiang was highly militaristic, and he made reforms to model the Chinese military after the Soviet Red Army
- Strove to establish a national cult based on Confucian values called the New Life Movement
- Chose to pursue fighting the Chinese Communists over the Japanese
- Backed the interests if the land owning class in what reform he did make.
- Sought close relations with the USSR
- Took land from the landowners and executed them
- put the army in charge of art + propaganda
- displayed him as benevolent father, teacher, god-like, etc
- propaganda discouraged opposition
- increasingly extreme claims about his character
- Mao wanted everyone to reproduce
- big workforce
- wanted to decentralize economy by establishing independent local communes
- Unified China
- Ruled from 1949 until death in 1974
- Viewed like Qin Shi Huang
- built nation at the cost of many lives
- Still viewed as a good leader by Chinese people and is very popular in China today