- Moodle presence on all courses
- Part of IPR
- Training
- Audit
2009 Student Survey:
- In classrooms that have Smartboards, 64 % of teachers use them
- 74 % of students think Smartboards have helped them learn
- 71 % of students say that there are resources for them on OC Live
- 67 % of students rate the resources on OC Live as 1 or 2 (1 – 4 scale where 1 is excellent)
- 43 % of students use OC Live in class
- 62 % of students use OC Live outside of class
- Greater use of media streaming
- Implement an e-portfolio
- Further integration of college systems
- Implementation of “My Site” (a SharePoint service) for students.
- Increase student access to their data e.g. ILPs
- Parental access to student data and Moodle
- Increase Moodle “Gradebook” use.
- Improve quality of Moodle courses
- Increase high level e-learning
- Celebrate excellent practice
- Using OC Live as a marketing tool
- Develop and sell distance learning courses - Moodle?
Software We Haven't Got But Should have?
Main Software and Hardware Tools
E-learning at Orpington College
Ian Davis
E-learning Development Co-ordinator
Moodle Administrator
OC Live
2000 students
- Smartboard in every classroom
- About 2 students per PC
- Wireless access
- Enhance teaching and learning by using ILT during and outside lessons
- Improve retention and achievement?
- High level ILT use as norm
- MOODLE central to strategy
Impact of E-learning
Future of E-learning
Implementing E-Learning
Lesson observation data.
- 2008/9: ILT used in 88 % of lessons
- 2007/8: ILT used in 70 % of lessons
First in a list of student top 5 of what they liked: ILT, including how it is used in classrooms, OC Live and the the LRC
State of play...
- E–learning is increasingly used to enhance teaching and learning.
- Extensive ILT resource development occurs and commercial ILT resources are used.
- Staff can develop their ILT skills via bespoke training. Skill level is rising.
- OC Live continues to grow and thrive (TBL has helped in 2010/11). There are many excellent courses and fewer poor courses.
- Good practice is being shared.
- Higher level e–learning is occurring e.g. Gradebook, quizzes, podcasting and Flash Cards.
May 2010 Oftsted Inspection report:
- “Good range of ILT is used particularly well in many lessons”.
- “The virtual learning environment (VLE) is good and used well by staff and learners”
- “ILT is used extensively and particularly well in both science and mathematics lessons”.