The rewards of faithfulness come with the expectation of continued obedience.
A Welcomed Blessing
(Joshua 22:6-8)
Too Honest?
- What kinds of blessings come to people today who are faithful to honor their commitments?
- Why do you think that God uses His people to bless others?
An Ongoing Responsibility (Joshua 22:4-5)
Integrity & Honesty
- Our rest is dependent on God not man. The words in vs.4 "just as He promised" highlights the role that God played in the conquest.
- Return to your homes and your own land (God is the only one who can give us rights to ownership)
- Our obligation to "carefully obey"
- What does our obedience say about our faith that mere words do not?
Why is integrity so important today?
What makes many people stop and take notice today when they see a person of integrity?
A Promise Kept (Joshua 22:1-3)
- A Promise Kept (Joshua 22:1-3)
- An Ongoing Responsibility (Joshua 22:4-5)
- A Welcomed Blessing (Joshua 22:6-8)
- Promised Assistance & Obedience
- requirement of the command of the Lord
- What happens when people break their promises?
- How does our faithfulness, to even the smallest of commitments, honor the Lord?