Which is which and why?
Use evidence from image...
MNCs, Globalisation and Development
What does each stand for?
L.O - To begin learning about new topic and look at keywords
High Income Country
Low Income Country
Newly Industrialised
1. How can we tell which category a country belongs to?
2. Give 2 examples of countries that you would find in each category
List what you think were the 10 most Valuable brands of 2018.....
What is an MNC?
MNC stands for Multi-National Company.....
1. Write down what you think this means..
2. Write down 3 examples of MNCs
3. Do you think MNCs are a good thing?
Globalisation - A Shrinking World...
Why is it easier now than ever before to interact with other countries?
Read through your learning programmes and pace grids...
Highlight any words that you do not understand YET!
You need to know your HICs, NICs and your LICs!
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