Fort Collins Power Plant Timeline
Power Plant is Given New Life
Current Purpose
U.S. Cavalry Post was established on the curnt power plant site
Art Deco Terra Cotta Fountain is Made
- Fountain was created by the Northwestern Terra Cotta Company, located in Denver
- Briefly serves the community as a visual arts center
- The Powerhouse Energy Campus has transformed into a 5-acre site housing the CSU Energy Institute.
- Composed of a large stone pillar with four fish and four gargoyles within a pool
Then served as the City Dump before the Plant was created.
- Power Plant Visual Arts Center stays until 1990, when it moves to the Post Office and is renamed One West Contemporary Art Center
- Aspect of the Works Progress Administration, a crucial component of Fort Collins and American history/ devvelopment.
-Wpa was designed to increase the purchasing power of persons on relief by employing them on useful projects.
- The fountain is the only remaining historic fountain within Fort Collins
Original structure remains untouched, houses the Energy and Engines Conservation Laboratory
Power Plant is decomissioned from service
Fort Collins Municipal Power Plant is Constructed
- As the community continues to expand and the power needs greaten, the city no longer found use for the modest building
- Site is used for purely historical purposes, displaying the Art Deco style of the architecture.
- Fountain exemplifies product of the WPA
- The three-story building was constructed in response to the city's realization that by supplying power and in turn, charging the residents, it could generate badly needed income to help the city financially through the Great Depression.
- Designed by Burns and McDonnell Engineering Company and constructed by F.J. Kichhof Construction Company