Foreign Policy Troubles
Jimmy Carter
- Jimmy Carter was born in 1924
- His presidency began with high hopes and calls for a new emphasis on human rights
- Carter set up an organization called the Carter Center that promotes peace and human rights.
- Has helped several countries affords to hold free and fair elections.
- At first Carter continue Nixon's and Ford's policies toward the Soviet Union
- Then the SALT ll treaty was debated in the United States Senate.
- Opponents arguments were that nation security of the United States was in jeopardy.
- In December 1979, the Soviet Union invade Afghanistan to prop up a tottering communist government.
- Carter responded by withdrawing the SALT ll treaty from the Senate consideration and imposing sanctions( penalties) to the Soviets.
- Sanctions included U.S boycott of the 1980 Summer Olympic Games held in Moscow and suspension of grain sales to the Soviet Union.
Trouble in Southeast Asia
- Gerald Ford made clear that his foreign policy would differ from Nixon's
- Ford retained Henry Kissinger as his Secretary of State.
- When the 2 leader the Helsinki Accord which put the nations of Europe in favor of human rights
- United States continued to disarmament talks with the Soviets.
- Led to an agreement known as SALT II - 2 nations pledged to limit nuclear arm production.
- During Ford's presidency, South Vietnam fell to North Vietnam.
- Communist took over hundred of thousands of Vietnamese who might had work for the United States tried to escape.
- Many refuges took to the seas in rickety boats.
- These boat people was the largest mass migration of humanity by sea in modern history.
- More than 1 million men, woman and children braved storms, pirates, and starvation in search of refuge.
- Their destination was other nations of Southeast Asia, but many found their refuge in Unites States and Cananda.
- David Beraslugy
- Ben Ngaleo
- Enevi Saucedo