What are some of the changes seen in the Slave Trade from 700-1750?
Analysis of why something changed or stayed the same
Analysis needs to answer the question of, "This changed or stayed the same because...." or "the consequences of this change or continuity were...."
World Historical Context
(this is the last major point...I promise)
WHC means that you show how the prompt (regions) given tie into the bigger picture.
In the Comparative Essay what is the essay asking you to do?
APA Style
use the following websites:
Need to include three sources for your paper
Can include your textbook
Bentley, J. H., & Ziegler, H.F. (2006). Traditions & encounters: A Global perspective on the past. New York: McGraw-Hill
In text citations... if you use a quote or paraphase you must cite the source of the information
- Bentley & Ziegler (2006) state that BLAH BLAH was (pg. ***).
- BLAH BLAH was a really good leader (Bentley & Ziegler, 2006, p. ***)
Your next paragraph will need to deal with your changes
After your thesis, you need a paragraph that deals with all of your continuities.
- Europeans involved which changed from Islamic Merchants
- Instead of going to Southwest Asia, started going to the Americas
- Even African tactic and technology in the Slave trade changed
African's traded African on the Islamic and African Slave Trade
Last, be sure you have at least seven (hopefully much more) pieces of evidence to defend your changes or continuities. You just must have evidence/information!
Yes, this may seem overwhelming, but I promise...you will catch on and this is not that bad!
My hope is that you do not ever feel like this kid...
How did something bigger, over a long period time influence the areas in the prompt or how did the areas mentioned in the prompt affect something, somewhere else in the world over a long period of time.
You Gotta Have Two More Things!!!
The Slave Trade was one part of a larger global network- Triangular Trade
Analyze the changes and continuities in commerce in the Indian Ocean region from 650 CE to 1750 CE
Let's Review:
- Introduction (thesis)
- Continuities Paragraph
- Changes Paragraph
- Conclusion (restate thesis)
Your conclusion needs to simply restate your thesis
Always be sure that your changes paragraph and your continuities paragraph has a solid topic sentence that restates your changes (paragraph 2) and continuities (paragraph 1).
The Thesis Must:
1. Have the time periods
2. Address the prompt (regions given)
3. List Both the changes and continuities
From 700-1750, the trade of Africans for slavery started by fellow African tribes capturing them for a profit, however over the same period of time the end location and those involved in the trade changed.
The CCOT Essay: A Basic Overview