- Lunar Eclipse
- Time of Birth
- Division of Muslims
- Place of Birth
White Minaret at Qadian
Promised Messiah and Reviver of the True Islam
- Evidence that Jesus (as) survived the crucifixion
- Unbroken legs
- Blood and water
- Typical time to death
- Healing wounds
- Evidence that Jesus (as) traveled to and spread the message in India
- People of Afghanistan and Kashmir of Israelite ancestry
- Ancient Hindu book Puranas speaks of "Isa Masiha"
- Buddist texts speak of Bagwa Metteyya' a Pali
- Tomb of Yuz Asaf
Arabia at the Time of Prophet Mohammad (saw) vs Society at the Time of Promised Messiah (as)
- Islam had broken up into 72 different sects
- Many misconceptions about the faith
- The prevailing social conditions in ancient Arabia (at the time of Muhammad SAW), closely parallel today's (Promised Messiah (as)) modern times…
- "By the inkstand and by the pen and by that which they write, Thou are not, by the grace of thy Lord, a madman." [Holy Quran Ch 68, Vv 2-3]
- Campaign for peace, settle arguments with words
- Respect for all of God's creation
- World and social peace
Probable route of Jesus (as) during
his travels in India
Written by Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as)
- Khatame-Nabbuwat
- Love of the Holy Quran
- Al-Wasiyyat
- Love of the Holy Prophet
- Al-Jannah
- Conditions of Bai'at
- Institution of Khilafat
- Born in Qadian, India in 1835
- The Mosque was like his second home
- Sought seclusion to immerse himself
in prayer and study of the Holy Quran
- Hurt by attacks against the Holy
Prophet (saw) from a young age
- Was truthful and honest in all
- Claimed to be The Promised Messiah and Mahdi
- Promised Messiah was a prophet to unite mankind in the Latter Days.
- Claimed to be the metaphorical second coming of Jesus (as) of Nazareth and the divine guide, whose advent was foretold by the Holy Prophet (saw).
Islam, My Religion, pg 35
Mirza Ghulam Ahmad with his son, Mirza Sharif Ahmad
Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (seated centre) with some of his
companions at Qadian c.1899
- Established Ahmadiyya Muslim Community
- Published over 80 books defending Islam
- Wrote many poems including the Qaseedah (in praise of Holy Prophet (saw)
- Participated in live debates, lectures, and literature
The Sunday Herald, Boston (June 23, 1907)
His mission was to establish pure unity of God to counter the polytheistic ideas, to strengthen the relationship between man and his Creator, and to establish virtue and righteousness. “It was also his mission to create faith in God by demonstrating powers of God [through] heavenly signs” in order to lead man out of the darkness of doubt into the light of faith and certainty. The Promised Messiah came in order to usher in an era of peace by uniting mankind behind the banner of Islam and ending war and violence. Purifying Islam and propagating the true message and image of Islam was also part of his mission.
“For as lightening cometh from the east and shineth unto the west, so shall the coming of the son of man be.” (Math.24:27)
“He it is Who has raised among the unlettered people a Messenger from among themselves who recites unto them His Signs, and purifies them, and teaches them the Book and Wisdom though before that they were in manifest error; And He will raise him among others of them who have not yet joined them. He is the Mighty, the Wise." (Surah Al-Jumuah, verses 3-4)