- The measure of vision is not equal.
- The refractive power of the two eyes is different.
Treating Aniseikonia with Stock Base Curve Manipulation in
Asymptomatic Adults
Is an ocular condition in which the two eyes have a difference in spherical equivalent of 1.00 D or more
Anisometropia Prevalence
Limited reports have been published on the prevalence of anisometropia in wide age ranges.
A Thesis Submitted to the Graduate Faculty of Pacific University Vision Science Graduate
Program in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science In Vision Science
July, 2016
Anisometropia (1944 - 2015)
An- (not) + -iso- (equal) + -metr- (measure) + -opia(vision)
1-Medical Dictionary:2004, 2007 and 2012, Weale: 2002, Harvey and Gilmartin: 2004, Paul: 2013
2-Bannon and Triller: 1944, Phillips: 1959, Crone and Leuridan: 1973, Bradley et al.: 1983, Von Noorden: 1990, Birch:1995, Kramper et al.: 1999, Tomac and Birdal: 2001,Gobin et al.: 2008, Brendan et al.: 2013, Pang: 2015