What is Minspeak?
Bruce Baker
Who uses Minspeak?
Minspeak: A different way to look at pictures
Many users have a physical disability
Many successful users of AAC use Minspeak systems
whilst he is learning to read and to write Lennart can say what he wants
the German Hot Speakers group
Using his eyes he speaks with an Accent 1400
Children and Adults with learning disability & autism
USAAC President Chris Klein und Peter Zein - Minspeak users
Different MAPs use Minspeak in different ways
In free play, Julia learns to construct sentences
Minspeak Strategy
Words and Pictures
Representing words
Vocabulary selection
Representation of words
Organizing words
"speaking verbs"
Vocabulary development
look it up in a book
vocabulary is accessed via a structured keyboard
Core vocabulary
personal "core"
For non-picture producers the artist must first think of a story
with a friend
at the game
If the meaning of pictures is to be guessable we must examine the relationship between words and pictures
The simple words in language are not picture producers
Words are created letter by letter
hmmm...wie how can I draw "bad?
What is it like?
it is a "bad" drawing
parts of speech
basic morphology
an idea
a story
Other words such as "like", "always" or "again"are not picture producers
basic vocabulary
flexibility of use
extended vocabulary
self directed learning
Selecting vocabulary
Some words are like "cookie". We call them "picture producers"
parts of speech
basic morphology
"hearing words"
we hear
literacy skills
...others are "opaque". We must learn the meaning
Some pictures may be "translucent" - ie we can recognize the assigned meaning when we learn it
We call the picture "transparent". Most people will guess the meaning we have assigned the picture
The development of vocabulary in AAC has many similarities to second language learning
volume "up"
the referee whistles
What is the story? How will I teach the story?
..Oder stehen permanent in festen Positionen
Not all words are equally easy to guess
The whole word remains constantly in view, easing mental rehearsal and motor planning
volume down
During normal language development children choose their own words. Working with AAC users we carry a special responsibility because they can only use the words that we choose for them.
Individual words are arranged on "pages" according to various categories
How to readers and non-readers learn non-picture producing words?
To represent a picture producing word, the artist draw an object or an activity
Each picture on the path to a word is part of a single story
A target vocabulary encourages modeling and long-term planning
Content vocabulary
Pictures and words lead directly to each other
Offering words or sentences?
EVERYBODY uses the same simple words
Core vocabulary
without the ability to use the different forms of words, the user of a device with speech output can never become fully independent
Morphology and AAC
more non-English research is needed
Using sentences interactions may flow smoothly...
Communication is more than naming and requesting
have, want, go, mine, the, you, all, yes, no, in, out, and, what
Organize words
Teach communication
We read and understand the story
Most picture producing words are objects or activities
Content vocabulary
we were just there!
I want to visit Granny!
The pre-stored sentence "I want to visit Granny!" is not understood as a general message about Granny (or a car trip) but simply as aconcrete wish. The result - misunderstanding
Part of Speech
Cookie, mom, time
...they offer little preparation for free communication
Wortstrategie 84
A large amount of information can be stored
Pop-up for functions and transparent symbols
Vocabulary Modules
Vocabulary Builder
Common words are more abstract
For independent communication AAC users need access to single words
If AAC users have no access to core vocabulary, then communication partners can only guess
Minspeak: combines a keyboard for core vocabulary and pages and pictures for content words
Standardized vocabulary allows the structured creation of teaching materials
Core vocabulary
ich, nochmal, nicht, zusammen, gut, schlecht
person, number, tense
Core vocabulary: The basis of Minspeak
content words in the activity row
Vocabulary is reduced so that focus words appear where they will always be
Categories and meanings
Representation of Morphology
Picture keyboard for all other words
Exploration & motor Planning
This task is easily underestimated because for the reader it happens automatically
Lennarts mother shows him what he can't quite do, but soon could
By representing morphology directly on the keyboard each form is an individual vocabulary item
Morphology on the keyboard supports motor learning. Each selection reduces the visual information
Communication partners need to be able to talk with the system, too
Symbols for everyday words can't be guessed
Three methods to structure the organization of vocabulary in a communication device
Learning Minspeak is a continuous process of language development
Vocabulary and forms remain systematic and visible
Picture producing words are generally names of things.
anwer:"I" and "me"
prestored words or sentences
or is confused by multiple identical stories
When drawing non-picture-producers the artist draws a "story"
anwer:"I" and "me"
Nobody can talk with only the names of things