Glory Be
by Augusta Scattergood
"Hanging Moss is all mixed up about alot of things. We have to figure this out,work together. If you are worried about the pool, maybe you can do something" Miss Bloom
"You're too young to read newspaper letters to the editor, Glory" -Jesslyn
March on Washington leading to the Civil Rights Act of 1964
What is your opinion?
Genre of Glory Be:
Historical Fiction
To find other stories like this you could look up _______ in Destiny.
historical fiction
civil rights
Jim Crow laws
racial relations
Martin Luther King Jr.
various civil rights activists
Historical Fiction
Books similar to Glory Be-
Before The Civil Rights Act of 1964
Library of Congress Photo
Glory Be Characters
Glory-12 year old exceptional girl who wants the public pool to stay open, but realizes that there are larger problems in her town
Post Reading Questions:
Emma- Glory's family maid who is worried for Glory and Jesslyn's safety when the town is divided on segregation issues
Separate, but Equal?
Miss Bloom- public librarian, who encourages Glory to act on what she feels is important and be brave
Library of Congress Photo
What is the meaning of the word segregation?
What do you see in the picture?
What do you infer the story will be about by looking at this photo and the cover of the book?
Laura Lampert- young girl who is from Ohio (a Yankee) and visits Hanging Moss for the summer
Jesslyn- Glory's older sister, beginning to grow apart from Glory
Hanging Moss has segregated facilities like water fountains, restrooms, pools, and schools. How would you feel if the color of your skin dictated where you were allowed to go?
Frankie- Glory's friend, has an opposing view from Glory on segregating in their town
Glory's father- town preacher and busy single father
Frankie and Glory have been friends since they were very young. What difference of opinion is causing them to pull away from each other?
"What's that girl doing at the town library anyhow? My daddy says that pretty soon they'll be letting just anyone in there" -Frankie
Emma tells Glory that if she keeps her mouth closed, she cannot cause trouble. Do you think this is good advice to live by? Why or why not?
Based on the reading so far, what theme(s) do you think will be in Glory Be?
Glory Be Introduction Video