Marc Antony and Brutus Speech
By Emmanuel Azuara
And Diego Cortes
- Marc Antony's Pathos is; Ex 1"Friends, Romans, Countrymen, lend me your ears." , Ex 2 " When the poor have cried, Caesar hath wept." to show compassion or them to feel sorry, Ex 3 “He was my friend, faithful and just to me.” this shows Caesar was a man who is trustworthy and it wasn't fair to kill him.
- Brutus' Pathos is " Not that i love Caesar less but that i love Rome more. Had you rather Caesar were living and die all slaves, than Caesar were dead to live all free men?"
- Brutus' claim was that Caesar was becoming too ambitious and would make Rome crumble.
- Marc Antony's claim was that Caesar was not ambitious and Brutus did wrong in killing him. An Example is "I thrice presented him a kingly crown, Which he did thrice refuse. Was this ambition?"
- Marc Antony's logos is “To every Roman citizen he gives, to every several man, seventy-five drachmas.” this quote shows that the logic behind how Caesar cared so much about his people.
- Brutu's speech does not contain logos, because there is no logic behind him killing Caesar.
- The speaker is Brutus, a man who many look up to, who is brave, and does anything for Rome.
- The speaker is Marc Antony, a man who was very good friends with caesar, and dearly cared about him.
- Audience for Brutus were Caesars followers, who want a new leader.
- Audience for Marc Antony were Brutus' followers, who were very gullible, and unwise.
- The Purpose for Brutus was to calm the people down, and explain why he killed Caesar.
- The purpose for Marc Antony was to convince them that Caesar wasn't ambitious and Brutus was wrong for killing him.
In our opinion Marc Antony was a better speaker due to the fact that he gave vaid examples of Caesars greatness and convinced the people of Rome Brutus did wrong in killing him.
- Marc Antony in fact does use Brutus' words against him because he says "yet Brutus says he was ambitious." and it was indeed usefull.
- Marc Antony's Ethos is his examples of how Caesar was not ambitious. "I thrice presented him a kingly crown, Which he did thrice refuse. Was this ambition?"
- Brutus' Ethos is that he adresses the audience as one of them. "Romans, Countrymen, and Lovers!"